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ALTENBOURG, GERHARD. & HUSSEL, HORST:  - Briefe an Horst Hussel. Mit mehreren Abbildungen im Text. Mit einer Portraitphotography und einer Originalradierung von Horst Hussel.
Leipziger Bibliophilen-Abend, 2005. 31 x 21 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With photograph, reporduction of Neujahrsgruss and an original signed etching by Horst Hussel. Published in a total of 150 copies. Tis is the first of 20 copies E.A. The etching is numbered 1/20. FINE COPY 

225,00 Euro

APPEL, KAREL - FRANKENSTEIN, ALFRED.  - Karel Appel. Samenstelling, inleiding en bespreking Alfred Frankenstein. [ SIGNED BY KAREL APPEL! ]
Amsterdam (Meulenhoff / Landshoff) 1980; 191 pp.; 1st Dutch edition; monograph in Dutch with numerous colour illustrations; cloth with dust jacket; ; ISBN 9029081619; [near] FINE COPY & SIGNED BY KAREL APPEL  

100,00 Euro

ARNALDO, JAVIER.  - Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection. Volume 1 + Volume 2. In slipcase.
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2004. 33 x 24 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Richly illustrated in color. 429 + 523 pages. In slipcase. AS NEW  

200,00 Euro

ART BELGIUM - ELIANE DE WILDE [PRÉFACE].  - Le dictionnaire des peintres Belges du XIVe siècIe a nos jours depuis les premiers maitres des anciens Pays-Bas meridionaux et de la Principaute de Liège jusqu'aux artistes contemporains. [3 volumes in slipcase]
Renaissance du Livre, 1995. Hardcovers (clothbound) with dust jacket. 30 x 21 cm. In the original slipcase. With illustrations in color and b/w. Text in French - NEAR FINE COPY  

100,00 Euro

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'HISTOIRE DU VERRE,.  - Annales Du 12e Congres De l'Association Internationale Pour l'Histoire Du Verre, Vienne-Wien, 26 - 31 août 1991
Amsterdam, 1993. 22,5 x 16 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in b/w. Texts in French and English. 566 pag. NEW COPY Still shrink wrapped.  

30,00 Euro

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'HISTOIRE DU VERRE,.  - Annales Du 13e Congres De l'Association Internationale Pour l'Histoire Du Verre, Pays Bas, 28 août - 1 septembre 1995
Amsterdam, 1996. 22,5 x 16 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in b/w. Texts in French, German and English. 614 pag. NEW COPY Still shrink wrapped.  

30,00 Euro

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'HISTOIRE DU VERRE,.  - Annales Du 14e Congres De l'Association Internationale Pour l'Histoire Du Verre, Italia, Venezia - Milano 1998
Lochem, AIHV, 2000. 30 x 21 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in b/w. Texts in several languages [English - German - Italian - French]. 442 pag.. NEW COPY Still shrink wrapped.  

24,00 Euro

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'HISTOIRE DU VERRE,.  - Annales Du 15e Congres De l'Association Internationale Pour l'Histoire Du Verre, London, 2003
Nottingham, 2003. 30 x 21 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in b/w. Texts in English. 268 pag. FINE COPY  

30,00 Euro

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'HISTOIRE DU VERRE,.  - Annales Du 17e Congres De l'Association Internationale Pour l'Histoire Du Verre, Anvers, 2006 - Annales of the 17th Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass, 2006, Antwerp
Antwerp, 2006. 30 x 21 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in color and b/w. Texts in English, French and German. 704 pag. NEW COPY Still shrink wrapped.  

24,00 Euro

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L'HISTOIRE DU VERRE,.  - Annales Du 20e Congres De l'Association Internationale Pour l'Histoire Du Verre, Fribourg / Romont 7-11 septembre 2015
Nottingham, 2017. 30 x 21 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in color and b/w. Texts in English. 743 pag. FINE COPY 

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

25,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

25,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

25,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ] Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [70 x 103 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm. - The print has a barely visible fold in the middle ; text on the left margin else NEAR FINE  

35,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 X 103 cm.] - [near] FINE COPY  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 X 103 cm.] - [near] FINE COPY  **** this proof print is printed quite red!

20,00 Euro

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Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 X 103 cm.] Text in ballpoint below the names of the birds else NEAR FINE  

30,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ] Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [70 x 103 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm. - The print has a barely visible fold in the middle - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

50,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 X 103 cm.] Text in ballpoint at the bottom of the plate else NEAR FINE 

30,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 x 103 cm. - The print has a barely visible fold in the middle - [NEAR] FINE 

45,00 Euro

AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES.  - Smew or White Nun [ plate CCCXLVII ] + two other illustraties on the same plate. From Audubon's THE BIRDS OF AMERICA. [PROOF PRINT}
Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ] Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [70 x 103 cm.] Partial slight browning on right side - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm. - The print has a barely visible fold in the middle else NEAR FINE  

45,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 X 103 cm.] Text in ballpoint below the name of the engraver - [near] FINE COPY  

30,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 x 109 cm. ] - The print has a barely visible fold in the middle - [NEAR] FINE 

45,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm. - The print has 2 [barely] visible fold in the middle - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 69 X 103 cm. ] - The print has a barely visible fold in the middle - NEAR FINE  

40,00 Euro

Published by Amsterdam and New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, [1971-72]. [ PROOF PRINT of the facsimile edition of this greatest bird book ]. Colour-printed lithograph . On hand-made paper [ 103 x 69 cm.] - NEAR FINE  

45,00 Euro

AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS.  - XXII Boecken van de Stadt Gods. Begrijpende de beginselen en voortgang der zelver. als mede de verdediginge der christelijke religie tegen de doolingen en lasteringen der heydenen, Ketteren, en andere vyanden van Gods kerke.
Amsterdam, Ioost Hartgers, 1646. 28 x 19 cm. In verguld halflinnen gebonden met gemarmerde platten. Hardcover. Met frontispiece. Vijf delen (Stucken) in één band. GOED EXEMPLAAR  

180,00 Euro

AVENNES, PRISSE D'.  - L'ART ARABE d'après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe. [Reprint of the edition Paris, Morel, 1877.]
Reprinted by Eastern Art, distributed by Khayat Book & Publishing Company, Beirut, [no date]. Large Folio 63 x 49 cm. Three volumes, each bound in "leather" with gilt spines, containing altogether two hundred plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW  

385,00 Euro

BALZAC, HONORé DE.  - Oeuvres Complètes de H. de Balzac. Ëdition Définitive. 1926. Tome I - Tome XXIV. [24 Volume Set]
Paris, Calmann Levy, 1926. 23,5 x 15,5 cm. Bound in half leather [gilt lettering]. Volume I - XVII: La Comédie Humaine; Volume XVIII: Théatre; Volume XIX: Les Contes Drolatiques; Volume XX - XXIII: Oeuvres Diverses; Volumes: XXIV: Correspondance 1819 - 1850. Spines of the volume I, X, XII, XIV, XV and XVIII are discolored. Else a NEAR FINE & NICE & CLEAN & TIGHT SET ! 

450,00 Euro

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BARDER, RICHARD C.  - Georgian Bracket Clock 1714-1830.
Antique Collectors Club, 2001. Reprinted. Hardcover with dust jacket. 28 x 22 cm. With illustrations in color and b/w. 233 pages. - AS NEW  

145,00 Euro

Hilversum, De Jong, 1970. Orig. wrappers. 30 maps (= characters/letters made by nude people). Photography by Geert Kooiman; Story by Ed van der Elsken. - NICE AND ATTRACTIVE SET.  * The Quadrat-prints are a series of experiments in printing ranging over the fields of graphic design, the plastic arts, literature, architecture and music. They are edited by Pieter Brattinga and not for sale.

260,00 Euro

BERKHEMER, MICHAëL - CORNELIA HOMBERG.  - Michael Berkhemer. [ With contibutions by Evert van Uitert & John Klein ].
Zwolle, Waanders, 2008. 29 x 24 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in color. Text in Dutch and English. 160 pages + invitation card for the exposition in Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort. With signed dedication for Erik Slagter. - FINE  *** ADDED a "Work on paper; voor Erik Slagter van Michael Berkhemer Nov. 2008"

80,00 Euro

BERZELIUS, J.J.  - Leerboek der Scheikunde van J.J. Berzelius, naar de derde omgewerkte en vermeerderde oorspronkelijke uitgave vertaald onder medewerking van G.J. Mulder. Plus: 'Algemeen register op het Leerboek der Scheikunde' (1845).
Rotterdam/Leyden, P.H. van den Heuvell. 1838-1845. 6 delen + 'Algemeen register op het Leerboek der Scheikunde'. In totaal met 12 vouwplaten. Met meerdere tekst illustraties en tabellen.Gebonden; oorspronkelijke leren rug met vergulde titelbeletterin, gemarmerde platten en leren hoeken. Eerste deel (1834): XX, 398, 6 pag. (in dit deel 3 vouwplaten); tweede deel (1835) : (4),607, 8 pag.; derde deel (1838): (4), 448, IV pag.; vierde deel( 1839): (4), 610, (8) pag. [in dit deel achterin 2 vouwplaten]; vijfde deel (1842): (4), 365, V pag.; zesde deel (1841 !): (4), 428, IV pag.; het Algemeen Register (1845): (4), 71 pag. + achterin 7 vouwplaten. * Alle delen met ex libris op schutblad. Enige, lichte slijtage aan de banden. Het binnenwerk met enige ' browning' her en der. Al met al een een zeer acceptabele set.

650,00 Euro

Form: Eine Bilanz uber die Formentwicklung um die Mitte des XX. Jahrhunderts = A Balance Sheet of Mid-Twentieth-Century Trends in Design = Un Bilan de  - Form. Eine Bilanz uber die Formentwicklung um die Mitte des XX. Jahrhunderts / A Balance Sheet of Mid-Twentieth-Century Trends in Design / Un Bilan de l'Evolution de la Forme au Milieu du XXe Siecle.
Verlag Karl Werner, Basel, 1952. Hardcover (clothbound). illustrated throughout in b/w. 168 pages. NEAR FINE COPY  ** Text in English, French and German.

140,00 Euro

BLANCHARD, P.  - Lotgevallen van eenen reiziger in Afrika. Naar het Fransch van P. Blanchard. Met platen.
Deventer, A.J. van den Sigtenhorst, (1828). 15 x 9 cm. In halflinnen gebonden. Hardcover. Met illustratie in kleur op de titelpagina, en 3 kleurengravures door A. v.d. Beek naar G. Göbell. 263, IV pag. Rug & platten ongaaf. Boekblok zit los, het boekje zou derhalve opnieuw ingebonden moeten worden.  

225,00 Euro

BOOM, IRMA. & PIJBES, WIM.  - M M - Dit door Irma Boom ontworpen boek illustreert de periode 2008 - 2016.
Rijksmuseum 30 juni 2016. 15 x 12 x 4,3 cm. Gebonden. Hardcover. Met zeer vele afbeeldingen. Met 2 leeslinten. ALS NIEUW  ** Ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Wim Pijbes als hoofddirectuer van het Rijksmuseum in 2016. Relatiegeschenk.

140,00 Euro

KesselsKramer 2006. 22,5 x 17 cm. Many color illustrations. 76 pages, stapled soft cover. AS NEW  

45,00 Euro

BOSCH, REM VAN DEN.  - A muse a day.
Uitgeverij Lecturis, 2017. Paperback / Softcover. 32,5 x 23,6 x 3,5 cm. With 365 photographs in color and b/w. of naked women. Text in English - Name on first endpaper else AS NEW  

100,00 Euro

BROEK, KOEN VAN DEN.  - Crack. Koen Van Den Broek. Painting. isbn 9789078088417
Valiz / S.M.A.K, Amsterdam / Ghent, 2010. 28 x 21,5 cm. Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in color and b/w. 304 pages. AS NEW  

200,00 Euro

CATS, JACOB  - Spiegel van den Ouden en Nieuwen Tydt + Gedachten of Slapeloose Nachten.
Amsterdam, Abraham van der Putte, ca. 1750/Leyden, Jan van der Deyster, 1732. Twee titels gebonden in één (latere) perkamenten band. 16,5 x 10,5 cm. 320+224 pag. Met tal van tekst-illustraties (gravures). Beide titels met gegraveerde titelpagina.  

200,00 Euro

CATS, JACOB  - ’SWERELTS BEGIN, MIDDEN, EYNDE, BESLOTEN IN DEN TROU-RINGH, MET DEN PROEF-STEEN VAN DEN SELVEN DOOR I. CATS. [Gevolgd door Vierde Stuck:] I. Cats lof-sangh op ht geestelick houwelick van Godes Sone.
Voor Mathhisas Havius. Gedruckt by Hendrick van Esch, Boeck-drucker, woonende in ’t Hof, in de Druckerije van de Maeght van Dordrecht. ANNO 1637. Eerste druk. In perkament gebonden. Met platen[ vouwplaat + 2 frontispiece + tekstplaten ] en vignetten. Het boekblok zit deels enigszins los. De Trou-Ringh [drie delen]: 772 pag. + de Lof-sangh: 135 pag. Redelijk goed exemplaar.  

300,00 Euro

CATS, JACOB.  - Ouderdom, buytenleven en hofgedachten + Hofgedachten + Invallende gedagten + Aspasia + Afbeeldinge van 't huwelijk + Dood-kiste voor de levendige + Tagtigjarig leven.
Zeven titels gebonden in één band. Alleen de eerste titel vermeldt een uitgever: Amsterdam, A. van der Putte, z.j. (ca. 1750). Perkamenten band (niet-contemporain). 17,5 x 11 cm. 246 + 94 + 82 + 86 + 32 + 208 + 46 pag. Met tal van tekst-illustraties (gravures) + een vouwblad.  

225,00 Euro

CITROEN, PAUL.  - 12 Lithographieën.
Uitgave van de Walburg Pers Zutphen. Linnen map met 12 lithographieën (65 x 51 cm) verschenen in 1976 ter gelegenheid van de tachtigste verjaardag van de kunstenaar. De lithographieën zijn gedrukt door Piet Clement te Amsterdam en Henk van Leeuwen te Delft. De map werd vervaardigd door Janssenbinders te Leiden; de druk op het voorplat werd in zeefdruk verzorgd door Jan Dobber te Zutphen. Dit is nummer 'V' van de oplage van honderd exemplaren. 8 exemplaren waren bestemd voor het archief + een aantal medewerkenden van de uitgeverij. Deze werden door Paul Citroen afwijkend genummerd; namelijk bij dit exemplaar : V/VIII. Alle 12 de lithografieën zijn met potlood genummerd en gesigneerd. Sommige ook met potlood betiteld & gedateerd, andere litho's betiteld & gedateerd in de steen. Op het voorblad een voorwoord door de 'oude tekenaar Paul Citroen' - Zeldzaam item in perfecte toestand. * De geportretteerden zijn: Mara - Lyda - Jan Cremer - Piet Clement - Mieke - Mart Kempers - Ellenor - Nora - W. Sandberg Anneloor - Christi.

500,00 Euro

De Bezige Bij / Antiquariaat De Slegte, 2008. 22 x 14 cm. In linnen gebonden met plastic stofomslag. Hardcover. In cassette. 445 pag. Met geel leeslint. - GENUMMERD exemplaar. Dit boek is nummer 20 van de 44 Arabische genummerde exemplaren. IN ABSOLUTE NIEUWSTAAT!! *** Het laatste boek waaraan de auteur heeft gewerkt, is deze bibliofiele versie van 'Nu nog', de bloemlezing die Suzanne Holtzer samenstelde uit Claus’ verzameld dichtwerk. De dichter maakte voor deze editie twee tekeningen. Eén ervan werd als litho gedrukt en eind 2007 in potlood gesigneerd door de kunstenaar, de andere - een dubbelportret - siert het voorplat van deze uitgave. 44 exemplaren werden Arabisch genummerd, 6 geletterde exemplaren bleven hors commerce. De bandillustratie werd in piezografie uitgevoerd door Bernard Ruijgrok (Amsterdam). De litho als frontispice drukte Rudolf Broulim (Antwerpen) op Zerkall 90 grms.

350,00 Euro

Nice Edition Omega 1988. 31,5 x 23,5 cm. Hardcover (red cloth folder). Gilt emblem to front cover and decorations to spine, Containing 50 facsimile plans [foldings], plus introduction and description of plates. Text in French and English. In clothbound slipcase. --- Almost AS NEW  

100,00 Euro

CONSTANT [1920 -2005 ]. & NIEUWENHUIS, CONSTANT  - Happening.
Kleurenlitho op papier uit de serie 2 van Prent 190 [1966]. Met potlood genummerd [52 / 190 ] en gesigneerd. Hoogte beeld: 49,5 cm; breedte beeld 67,6 cm; hoogte blad 60,8 ; breedte blad 87 cm. - IN GOEDE STAAT  ***** Prent 190 gaf jaarlijks series van werken van hedendaagse grafische kunst uit, welke in oplagen van 190 exemplaren werden vervaardigd.

750,00 Euro

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CORNEILLE. COLLODI.  - Les avontures de Pinocchio. Une belle histoire raconté en images par Corneille.
Pollenza Macerata, La Nuova Foglio, 1973. Hardcover. Oblong : 41.5 x 30.5 cm. Orig. boards with silkscreen in black on frontcover. With damaged dustjacket (discolored/browning and a few small with tape repaired tears). With 18 silkscreens in color + drawings and texts b/w and color.  

700,00 Euro

CROUWEL, WIM - BEN BOS.  - 80 20 100. Wim Crouwel Eighty Nijhof & Lee Twenty One Hundred Crouwel Designs.
Amsterdam, Nijhoff & Lee, 2008. 28 x 21 cm. Softcover [stapled]. With illustrations in color and b/w. Text in English. 45 pages. Almost AS NEW  ** A celebration of 100 posters, catalogs and other publications by Wim Crouwel, one of the leading icons of graphic design in the Netherlands during the last 60 years, from the collection of bookseller's Nijhof & Lee.

75,00 Euro

CROUWEL, WIM (FOREWORD) & DINGENUS VAN DE VRIE (ESSAY)  - Kwadraat-Bladen. A Series of Graphic Experiments 1955-1974.
Unit Editions, London, 2012. 23 x 15,5 cm. Paperback / Softcover. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. 144 pages. NEW COPY  ** ALSO AVAILABLE SEVERAL QUDRAT PRINTS [ all in mint condition ]

100,00 Euro

CROUWEL, WIM., KWADRAAT-BLAD . , QUADRAT-PRINT; STEENDRUKKERIJ DE JONG. (ED.)  - New Alphabet. A Possibility for the New Development / een mogelijkheid voor de nieuwe ontwikkeling / une possibilite pour le developpment nouveaux / eine möglichkeit für die neue entwicklung. An introduction for a programmed typography.
Hilversum, De Jong, 1967. First edition. 25 x 25 cm. Orig. wrappers. 16 pag. Text in Dutch, English, French, and German - Almost AS NEW  

150,00 Euro

CUCCHI, ENZO.  - Enzo Cucchi. Affiche/Poster.
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 10-11-1983 / Kunsthalle Basel, 22-1-194. Affice/Poster, 97 x 76 cm.  ** WITH SIGNED DEDICATION [1983] BY ENZO CUCCH on the right bottom corner !

100,00 Euro

DALI, SALVADOR.  - Hommage à Dali. Numéro spécial de XXe siècle.
Paris, Vilo, 1980. 32 x 25 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With illustrations in color and b/w. + double page original lithography: "La Bataille de Tétouan" by Dali. 160 pages. Text in French. Almost AS NEW  

140,00 Euro

DE NEDERLANDSCHE SPAARKAS.  - Paddenstoelenspel van de Nederlandsche Spaarkas.
Bordspel. Afmetingen [uitgevouwen] : breedte: 80.0 cm, hoogte: 62.0 cm. In kleur. Redelijk goed exemplaar.  

30,00 Euro

DIJKSTRA, JOHAN., HUIZENGA-ONNEKES, E.J. & WERKMAN, H.N.  - Het boek van TRIJNTJE SOLDAATS. Met prenten en initialen, in hout gesneden door Johan Dijkstra. Een woord ter inleiding van Herman Poort. Groninger Volksvertellingen verzameld door Mevr. E.J. Huizenga-Onnekes. Eerste Deel.
Groningen, P.Noordhoff, 1928. 26,5 x 19,5 x 1,7 cm. Oorspronkelijke omslag. Softcover. Met meerdere houtsneden/prenten waarbij de initialen in rood en groen gedrukt zijn. Oplage 600 exemplaren. Gedrukt door de Drukkerij van H.N. Werkman. 75 pag. Tekstje op schutblad [ zie foto ]. Redelijk goed exemplaar.  

250,00 Euro

LEO DOOPER (1934).  - Paar.
Zwart gewassen krijt. Gesigneerd & gedateerd '63. 53 x 78 cm. In passepartout 

250,00 Euro

DORIGATO, ATTILIA.  - Murano: Island of Glass.
Arsenale Editrice, 2013. Paperback / Softcover. 28 x 23,5 cm. With illustrations in color. 396 pages. Name on first endpaper else AS NEW  

225,00 Euro

DÖRNHÖFFER, FRIEDRICH (TOEZICHT & TOELICHTING).  - Hortulus animae. Cod. Bibl. Pal. Vindob. 2706. Zielentuintje. Photomechanische reproductie der Keiz. Hof en Staatsdrukkery te Weenen uitgegeven onder toezicht van en met kunsthistorische toelichtingen door Friedrich Dörnhöffer.[ Drie delen + tekstbijlage ]
Utrecht, Oosthoek, 1907-1911. In 3 linnen banden 1048 [losbladige] pagina's in facsimile, waarbij 109 platen in kleur. Oplage voor Nederland en kolonien bedraagt 150 exemplaren [ dit is nummer 55 ]. De linnen mappen zijn gaaf, de binnenflappen zijn wat beschadigd. MET de toelichting [ softcover; gemarmerde omslag ; 27,5 x 19,5 cn ; 80 tekstpagina's + 23 platen; de rug ongaaf ]. REDELIJKE GOEDE SET 

450,00 Euro

Les Editions d'Alain Ducasse, 2004. 37,5 x 31 cm. Hardcover. Richly illustrated in color and b/w. 457 pag. Text in French and English. Limited, numbered edition. One corner of the slipcase is a bit bumped. The book is FINE! 

140,00 Euro

[ENGELEN, CORNELIS VAN.]  - De Philosooph. 4 delen in 2 banden.
Amsterdam, P. Meijer, en de Wed. K. van Tongerloo, 1766-1769. 20 x 13 cm. In halfleer gebonden. Hardcovers. Twee banden met in totaal 208 verhandelingen [gedateerd van 6 Januari 1766 tot en met 25 December 1769]. Redelijk goede set.  

275,00 Euro

EVANS, JEREMY.  - Thomas Tompion at the Dial and Three Crowns: With a Concise Check List of the Clocks, Watches and Instruments from His Workshops.
Antiquarian Horological Society, 2006. Hardcover with dust jacket. 30 x 24 cm. With illustrations in color. 131 pages. - AS NEW  

125,00 Euro

FAULKNER, WILLIAM - FAULKNER STUDIES.  - Faulkner studies. Vol I, 1952 (no 1-4), Vol II, 1953 (no 1-4) and Vol III, 1954 (No 1-4, no 2/3 being a double issue). Eleven issues in total. Some issues browned, but a nice set of this very rare publication on William Faulkner.

60,00 Euro

FAULKNER, WILLIAM.  - A Green Bough. Poems.
New York: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1933. First trade edition. 22 x 17 cm. 67 pag. Blind-stamped green cloth, gilt lettering. Spine slightly faded over about 4 cm. Internally very clean and tight. WITH the dustjacket, unfortunately with some damage (a few tears & some loss of paper).  

125,00 Euro

FAULKNER, WILLIAM.  - Mosquitoes.
New York, Boni & Liveright, 1927. First edition. 19 x 14 cm. 350 pag. Original dark blue cloth with original dust jacket. The title-lettering on the spine and the frontboard is complete intact, only the name of the publisher on the spine is partly faded. In a slightly damaged dust jacket. The jacket has slight darkening to the spine, and a very small loss of paper (4 x 4 mm.) of the spine; not price-clipped. Untrimed. ** An attractive copy of this scarce Faulkner title.  

3000,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
FAULKNER, WILLIAM.  - Original handwritten letter to Ben Wasson.
Ink on paper. Single leaf, folded three times. 27,5 x 21 cm. Recto only. 20 lines to 'Dear Ben', signed 'Bill'. Not dated. Very interesting letter to Faulkners literary agent and friend Ben Wasson, concerning the death of his dog and the whereabouts of the manuscripts of 'Snopes' and some short stories. 'Snopes' referres to the family name of the characters from The Hamlet (1940), The Town (1957) and The Mansion (1959). Faulkner asks Wasson urgently to try to get in touch with 'Crump' (Owen Crump, the artist who shared his apartment with Faulkner in late 1928) who apparently still has the manuscripts in his possesion. The whereabouts of Owen Crump are unknown to Faulkner: 'I don't know where Crump is. He married a Brooklyn girl (...)'. Faulkner is afraid to lose the manuscripts because 'that copy is the only 'Snopes' I have'.  **** This letter is NOT in Selected letters of William Faulkner (edited by Joseph Blotner).

8500,00 Euro

FAULKNER, WILLIAM.  - Original handwritten letter to Ben Wasson. [ Tipped in on second free endpaper of: Faulkner, William - These 13 ]
Ink on paper. Single leaf, folded five times. 27,5 x 21 cm. Recto only. 15 lines to 'Dear Ben', signed 'Bill'. Not dated [but problably written in November 1930]. The letter is tipped in on second free endpaper of: Faulkner, William - These 13. New York, Jonathan Cape & Harrison Smith, 1931. Cloth (hardcover; slightly stained and back slightly discoloured). 358 pag. First edition. One of the 299 special edition copies that were numbered and signed by the author (this is copy number 16, probably Wasson's own copy).  Interesting letter to Faulkners literary agent and friend Ben Wasson, concerning his life at the Shegog House, that Faulkner purchased on April 12, 1930. He tells Wasson that he spend the whole summer repairing the the deteriorated property from 1844 and talks about his country lifestyle: 'I have 13 chickens,a cow (...) and 5 gallons of whiskey.' Faulkner also referres to Curtis Brown, a London-based literary agent who sold his story Red Leaves to the English magazine Saturday Evening Post (Red Leaves was published by the Post on october 25, 1930). Faulkner promises Wasson to send him some 'stuff' as soon as he gets to it. Very positive letter from the Shegog house! This letter is NOT in Selected letters of William Faulkner (edited by Joseph Blotner).

12000,00 Euro

New York, Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1935. First limited signed edition. 20 x 14 cm. Bound with blue cloth corners and spine stamped in silver and metallic silver-coated paper-covered boards. Top edge also silver. With a frontispiece facsimile of a page of manuscript not included in the trade edition. Copy no 140 of only 310 copies SIGNED by Faulkner on colophon page. Spine faded as customary with this title, the silver lettering still good readable.  

1000,00 Euro

Venlo, Sir Harald Art, 1994. Oblong folio [34 x 40 cm]. Red boards in red cloth in slipcase with gold lettering. Text in Spanish. With illustrations in col. and b/w. + 26 silkscreens (printed by Peter Wilms Art Print, Baarlo ) of which 20 in colour (all signed in pencil by Luis Filcer). Numbered edition of 250 copies. This is number 246. AS NEW  * Also for sale: loose silkscreens from this splendid artbook (hc, but signed) for 60 Euro each!

475,00 Euro

FLAVIUS, JOSEPHUS. & MARTINET, J.F.  - Alle de werken van Flavius Josephus. Met aanmerkingen uitgegeven, door J.F. Martinet. Met nieuwe plaaten. 8 delen plus Deel 9: Flavius Josephus of de vyf boeken van Egesippus van de Joodsche oorlogen en de verwoesting van Jerusalem. In totaal dus 9 delen.
Amsterdam, Allart en Holtrop, 1783-1787. 21,5 x 13,5 cm. Gebonden in halfleer. Hardcovers. Met in de eerste 8 delen in ieder deel 6 bladen met buitentekstgravures (met op elk blad 2 afbeeldingen). In totaal dus: 96 afbeeldingen. Negen delen: (XX), 390; (VIII), 456; (VI), 347; (VIII), 475; (VI), 388; (VIII), 511; (XIV), 510; (X), 479; en (XIV), 576 pagina's. Set met minimale slijtage; Achterplat deel V licht ongaaf; al met al een KEURIGE SET.  

250,00 Euro

FOX, TERRY - KIRVES, DIETMAR (EDITOR).  - Art information of Terry Fox [ Serial Number 2 ].
Mediacontact, Düsseldorf, 1971. 30,5 x 21,5 cm. Stapled [ 16 pages ]. illIllustrated in b/w throughout, [ pictured also Joseph Beuys]. Edition of 200 copies; this is number 102. with a signature stamp.  

190,00 Euro

GALLERIES OF RONALD A. LEE.  - The First Twelve Years of the English Pendulum Clock, Or, The Fromanteel Family and Their Contemporaries : 1658-1670 : a Loan Exhibition at the Exhibition Galleries of Ronald A. Lee, London, February 4th-8th 1969 and 10th-14th 1969
London, 1969. 31,5 x 23.5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound). With 94 plates in b/w. + one plate in color. NEAR FINE COPY  

125,00 Euro

GENTILINI, FRANCO. & SAN LA  - XXe Siècle - Nouvelle Serie - XLe Année - No. 50 - Décembre 1978. Panorama Italie 78.
Paris, 1978. 32 x 25 cm. Hardcover (design Giorgio de Chirico). Richly illustrated in color and b/w. With an ORIGINAL lithography by Gentilini [full page]. Text in French. [near] FINE COPY  

60,00 Euro

Eigen beheer, 2002. 24 x 19,5 cm. Gebonden in imitatieleer. Oplage van 1300 exemplaren. Dit is nummer 10 van 48 Genummerde en gesigneerde exemplaren. Deze exemplaren hebben los bijgevoegd een originele foto. Deze foto werd op de achterzijde eveneens genummerd en gesigneerd. In nieuwstaat  

140,00 Euro

Eigen beheer, 2002. 24 x 19,5 cm. Gebonden in imitatieleer. Oplage van 1300 exemplaren. Dit is nummer 15 van 48 Genummerde en gesigneerde exemplaren. Deze exemplaren hebben los bijgevoegd een originele foto. Deze foto werd op de achterzijde eveneens genummerd en gesigneerd. In nieuwstaat  

140,00 Euro

GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO - REINHOLD HOHL.  - Alberto Giacometti. Sculpture, Painting, Drawing.
London: Thames and Hudson: 1972. First UK published. 30 x 25 cm. With 196 illustrations including 4 hand-mounted colour. Hardcover (clothbound) with slightly discolored dustjacket. NEAR FINE COPY  

125,00 Euro

GOGOL & STEINMETZ.  - Gogol, The Portrait: The original 1835 version + Steinmetz, The Portrait: A Fantasy in Twenty-One Sheets. [ Two volumes in a protective cover ] + a loose sheet: Reflections on the Portrait Gogol - Steinmetz. COLLECTOR'S EDITION!!
Amsterdam, Publisher Pegaus, 2006. First edition. 28 x 28 cm. Softcovers. The story by Gogol is in English, translated by Susanne Fuso from the original version first published in Arabesques [1835]. The second part consists of 21 full page plates in b/w. by the famous artist Leon Steinmetz. Condition: BRAND NEW  ** THIS IS THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION OF 100 COPIES WITH A SIGNED AND NUMBERED 'GLICLÉE PRINT' BY LEON STEINMETZ. THIS COPY IS NUMBERED 1 / 100 [!]

200,00 Euro

GOGOL & STEINMETZ.  - Gogol, The Portrait: The original 1835 version + Steinmetz, The Portrait: A Fantasy in Twenty-One Sheets. [ Two volumes in a protective cover ] + a loose sheet: Reflections on the Portrait Gogol - Steinmetz.
Amsterdam, Publisher Pegaus, 2006. First edition. 28 x 28 cm. Softcovers. The story by Gogol is in English, translated by Susanne Fuso from the original version first published in Arabesques [1835]. The second part consists of 21 full page plates in b/w. by the famous artist Leon Steinmetz. This edition is printed in 600 copies. Condition: BRAND NEW  

80,00 Euro

GROENEWEGEN, GERRIT.  - Verscheide soorten van Hollandse vaartuigen geteekent en gesneeden door G. Groenewegen.
Collection of the 7 series of ship etchings (1786-1801), bound together in one volume. Each series contains 12 etchings. Series A was issued in 1786, series B in 1787, series C in 1789, serie D en E in 1790, serie F in 1791 and finally a series without a letter was issued in 1801. All images approx. 15 x 13 cm, sheet size 21,5 x 17,5 cm. Only etching B9 is missing, so this collection contains 83 of the original 84 etchings. Bound in plain hardcover binding with etched titlepage (stamp of previous owner in upper margin). Some etchings have small stains in margings, but overall a very NICE and ATTRACTIVE copy. VERY RARE ITEM * * * Gerrit Groenewegen originally was a ship’s carpenter like his father, but in 1779, after an industrial accident, he turned to the arts by entering an apprenticeship with Nicolaes Muys (1740-1808) in Rotterdam. Following his former profession he preferred ship and harbor pictures which he recorded in numerous drawings and etchings, which were very wanted for their exact knowledge of construction.

4500,00 Euro

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1999. LUXE EDITIE. 27 x 14 cm. Gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. 118 pag. Luxe editie in een oplage van 100 genummerde en gesigneerde exemplaren. - ABSOLUTE NIEUWSTAAT *** Aanwezig zijn de nummers 94, 95 en 96.

150,00 Euro

GUREYEV, OLEG.  - Russian ‘Flying Dutchman’ Iwan Smirnoff.
Vladimir, Russia, 2017. Hardcover. 21 x 30 cm. With illustrations in b/w. Text in English and in Russian. 154 pag. - FINE COPY  ** In Russia Smirnoff was a totally forgotten hero, until the State Vladimir and Suzdal Museum decided to publish a book on him. This book project was started in 2015 when a Russian delegation visited the Aviodrome Theme Park Museum at Lelystad airport. Aviodrome has a large collection of Smirnoff memorabilia and documents. Together with items from Smirnoff’s early period in Russia from the State Vladimir and Suzdal Museum this has resulted in a nice book with lots of rare photographs. The book was presented at 21 September 2017 during the opening of a special temporary exhibition at Aviodrome on Smirnoff.

125,00 Euro

Monoprint (=Unikat), 97,5 x 68 cm. Signed, annot. & dated ('92). 

200,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
HAEMSTEDIUS, ADRIANUS [ ADRIAAN CORNELISZ VAN HAEMSTEDE]  - Historie der Martelaren, Die om het getuygenisse der Evangelischer waerheydt haer bloedt gestort hebben, van de tijden Christi onses Saighmakers af tot den jare sesthien hondert vijf-en-vijftigh toe. Niet alleen in dese Nederlanden, maer oock Vranckrijck, Engelandt, Schotlandt, Spanjen, Italien, Duytschlandt, America en andere Landen, met vele van hare Brieven en Belijdenissen, als mede de Moort van Parijs, de Moort in Voltoline, d’ongehoorde wreetheyt in Yerlant, mitsgaders de schrickelike Moort aen de Vaudoysen in Piemont, en andere vervolgingen der Geloovigen. In desen laetsten druck op een nieuw neerstelick oversien, verbetert, en veelsins vermeerdert, en elck op sijn behoorlick jaer en tijdt met grooter vlijt en neerstigheyt tusschen gevoeght, door J.G.O. Met meer dan hondert vijftigh kopere platen verciert, ..................
Gedruckt tot DORDRECHT, by Jacob Braat voor Jacobus SAVRY [kasteel van Gendt], in 't jaer 1656. In perkament gebonden. 31 x 20,5 cm. Met circa 150 vele heftige gravures [11 x 14 cm ] in de tekst. Kleine imperfecties: de band is wat vuil en bekrast; folio 48 mist een stukje papier in de marge. Toch zeker een redelijk goed exemplaar.  

500,00 Euro

HAKLUYT, RICHARD & EDMUND GOLDSMID. [EDITED].  - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. [16 volumes complete:] Volume I: Northern Europe;Vol II: North-Eastern Europe and Adjacent Countries: Tartary; Vol III: North-Eastern Europe and Adjacent Countries: The Muscovy Company and the North-Eastern Passage, Section I ; Vol IV: North-Eastern Europe and Adjacent Countries: The Muscovy Company and the North-Eastern Passage, Section II ; Vol V: Central and Southern Europe ; Vol VI: Madeira and the Canaries: Ancient Asia, Africa, & c. ; Vol VII: England's Naval Exploits Against Spain ; Vol VIII: Asia, Part I ; Vol IX: Asia, Part II ; Vol X: Asia, Part III ; Vol XI: Africa ; Vol XII: America, Part I ; Vol XIII: America, Part II ; Vol XIV: America, Part III ; Vol XV: America, Part IV; West Indies; Voyages of Circumnavigation, Part I ; Vol XVI: Voyages of Circumnavigation, Part II; Miscellaneous; Index. -------
Edinburgh, E. and G. Goldsmid between 1885 and 1890. Bound in half leather, marbled boards; corners leathers. With a few facsimiles and plates, some folding.  *** Imperfections : Volume I: back cover/board is loose & a part of the leather spine is missing ; Volume IV: front cover/board is loose & a part of the leather spine is missing. Spine volume labels VI, VII, VIII and IX are msissing. Else with some slight signs of wear due to age but still a very interesting item

1000,00 Euro

HALMA, FRANCOIS.  - Tooneel der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en onderhorige landschappen, geopent in een algemeen historisch, genealogisch, geographisch, en staatkundig woordenboek. [two volumes]
Hendrik Halma, 1725. Two volumes. 40 x 27 cm. Brown leather bindings (worn, hinges not tight). With various engravings and 26 (fold-out) maps. 470, 408 pag. Some pages browned and slightly stained, traces of use. Rare encyclopeadic book on places and names.  

900,00 Euro

HARING, KEITH  - Eight Ball
Kyoto (Kyoto Shoin International Co., Ltd.) 1989; unpag.; published as volume 6 in the series >ArT Random<; based on collages made of photo's, newspaper clippings and drawings; hardcover; 31 x 23,5 cm; ISBN ; FINE COPY  

125,00 Euro

HART.  - Encyclopedia of Design. [HARDCOVER]
Hart Publishing Company, 1983. 32 x 24,5 cm. Hardcover. Over 4,000 designs in b/w that can be used without fee or permission. 399 pages. Very good/near fine condition! ** Artists, designers and art directors will find this volume a gold mine.

100,00 Euro

HEMERT, J. VAN.  - Nieuw volledig Handboek der Kookkunst, bevattende alle mogelijke voorschriften tot het bereiden van alle soorten van spijzen [...] benevens opgaven voor diners, soupers, enz. enz.
Schiedam, H.A.M. Roelants. 1857. Derde, aanzienlijk vermeerderde druk. In halfleer gebonden. Hardcover. Gemarmerde platten. Rug licht ongaaf. XXXII, 383 pag. Redelijk goed exemplaar.  

125,00 Euro

HENGEL, J.F. VAN.  - Geneeskundige Plaatsbeschrijving van het Gooiland.
's-Gravenhage, 1875. 24 x 16,5 cm. In [blanco] linnen gebonden. Hardcover. Geïllustreerd met verschillende uitklapbare kaarten, plattegronden, XXXI, 348 pag. Redelijk goed exemplaar. ZELDZAAM  * Dit is het derde stuk van de "Bijdragen tot de geneeskundige plaatsbeschrijving van Nederland"

185,00 Euro

HOFSTEENGE, CEES.  - De Ploeg 1918-1941. De hoogtijdagen. Onder redactie van prof.dr.H.J.W.Drijvers [ LUXE-EDITIE IN LEER GEBONDEN IN EEN OPLAGE VAN 250 EXEMPLAREN MET EEN SUITE VAN TIEN HOUT-EN LINOSNEDEN VAN LEDEN VAN DE PLOEG ] Aanwezig zijn op dit moment de NUMMERS 22, 121 en 123.
Groningen, Benjamin & Partners, 1993. 31 x 24,5 cm. In LEER gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. Met illustraties in kleur en z/w. 240 pag. IN NIEUWSTAAT! Aanwezig de NUMMERS 121 en 123. *** Van de luxe-editie zijn 210 exemplaren bestemd voor de verkoop.

215,00 Euro

HOLT, FRISO TEN [1921 - 1997].  - "Badende mensen"
Aquarel op papier. In potlood gesigneerd, gedateerd [1966] en genummerd 52 / 190. Uit Serie 2 van Prent 190. Hoogte beeld: 37 cm; breedte beeld 43 cm; hoogte blad 53,5 ; breedte blad 79 cm. - IN GOEDE STAAT  ***** Prent 190 gaf jaarlijks series van werken van hedendaagse grafische kunst uit, welke in oplagen van 190 exemplaren werden vervaardigd.

150,00 Euro

HUGO, VICTOR.  - Les Chansons des rues et des bois.
Paris - Bruxelles, Librairie internationale - A. Lacroix - Verboeckhoven, 1865. 8vo. Half leather with gilt spine-lettering. Marbled boards (edges some wear; corners slightly bumped). 440 pag. - Clean and tight copy.  

225,00 Euro

HULSHOF, MARTHA; ERIC DE ROOIJ.  - Hilversum van 1900 tot nu. [LUXE uitgave]
Hulst, Van Geyt, 1993. 30,5 x 22 cm. Gebonden. Hardcover. Met foto's. 96 pag. - ALS NIEUW  ** Dit is een van de 50 genummerde & gesigneerde exemplaren in een kunstleren cassette.Met een een gesigneerd en genummerd blad grafiek [50/6]

30,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas géographique et physique du Nouveau Continent [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première partie ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. With plates and figures, a few in/with color. Condition: AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1814.

180,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas géographique et physique du Nouveau Continent [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première partie ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Hardcover ( gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. With plates and figures, a few in/with color. Condition: NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1814.

175,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas geographique et physique du royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne : fonde sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonometriques et de nivellemens barometriques [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première partie ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Hardcover ( gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. With 20 maps. Condition: NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811.

180,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas geographique et physique du royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne : fonde sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonometriques et de nivellemens barometriques [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première partie ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. With 20 maps. FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811.

180,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas pittoresque du voyage: Vues des Cordillères. Paris 1810. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première Partie]. Two Volumes: Text Volume [I] + Volume [II] "Planches".
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. Text Volume: 350 pages; Volume "Planches" : 69 plates in b/w and color. ISBN: 9022111741 and 902211175X --- Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1810.

180,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas pittoresque du voyage: Vues des Cordillères. Paris 1810. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première Partie]. ONLY VOLUME I: TEXT VOLUME
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. Text Volume: 350 pages; ISBN: 9022111741 --- AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1810. Volume II : "Planches" is not available!

95,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Atlas pittoresque du voyage: Vues des Cordillères. Paris 1810. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Première Partie]. Two Volumes: Text Volume [I] + Volume [II] "Planches". ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1810.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Text Volume bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Volume "Planches": Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. Text Volume: 350 pages; Volume "Planches" : 69 plates in b/w and color. ISBN: 9022111741 and 902211175X -- Almost AS NEW  *** Plate 25 is bound incorrectly.

160,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Essai Politique Sur Le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Tome 1 + Tome 2. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Troisième partie ]. ISBN: 9022111849 - 9022111857
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 36 x 26 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover ( gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Tome 1: 350 textpages; Tome 2: 351 - 904 textpages - Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811

145,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Essai Politique Sur Le Royaume de La Nouvelle Espagne. Tome 1 + Tome 2. [Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Troisième partie ]. ISBN: 9022111849 - 9022111857
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 36 x 26 x 4,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Tome 1: 350 textpages; Tome 2: 351 - 904 textpages - Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811

170,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Essai Politique Sur Le Royaume de La Nouvelle Espagne. Tome 2. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Troisième partie ]. ONE VOLUME TWO
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 36 x 26 x 4,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome 2: 351 - 904 textpages. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811

70,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Essai sur la geographie des plantes: accompagne´ d'un tableau physique des re´gions e´quinoxiales, fonde´ sur des mesures exe´cute´es, depuis le dixie`me degre´ de latitude bore´ale jusqu'au dixie`me degre´ de latitude australe, pendant les anne´es 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803 e
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973, New York. Size: 36 x 27 x 3 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. With folded map [ 56 x 88 cm]. 155 pages. FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1807.

120,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Essai sur la geographie des plantes: accompagne´ d'un tableau physique des re´gions e´quinoxiales, fonde´ sur des mesures exe´cute´es, depuis le dixie`me degre´ de latitude bore´ale jusqu'au dixie`me degre´ de latitude australe, pendant les anne´es 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803 e
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973, New York. Size: 36 x 27 x 3 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. With folded map [ 56 x 88 cm]. 155 pages. FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1807.

95,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Essai sur la geographie des plantes: accompagne´ d'un tableau physique des re´gions e´quinoxiales, fonde´ sur des mesures exe´cute´es, depuis le dixie`me degre´ de latitude bore´ale jusqu'au dixie`me degre´ de latitude australe, pendant les anne´es 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803 e
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973, New York. Size: 36 x 27 x 3 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is not numbered Text in French. The folded map [ 56 x 88 cm] is MISSING. 155 pages. NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1807.

65,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Examen Critique de l'Histoire de la Géographie du Nouveau Continent. Atlas Géographique et Physique des Régions Équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. Sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonométriques et dees nivellemens barométriques.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is numbered [Nr. 24]. Text in French. VI, 561 pages. [ near ] FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librarie De Gide, 1814 - 1834.

190,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Examen Critique de l'Histoire de la Géographie du Nouveau Continent. Atlas Géographique et Physique des Régions Équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. Sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonométriques et dees nivellemens barométriques.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. VI, 561 pages. NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librarie De Gide, 1814 - 1834.

190,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Examen Critique de l'Histoire de la Géographie du Nouveau Continent. Atlas Géographique et Physique des Régions Équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. Sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonométriques et dees nivellemens barométriques.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. VI, 561 pages. FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librarie De Gide, 1814 - 1834.

190,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Examen Critique de l'Histoire de la Géographie du Nouveau Continent. Atlas Géographique et Physique des Régions Équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. Sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonométriques et dees nivellemens barométriques.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 2,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. VI, 561 pages. Back cover stained. NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librarie De Gide, 1814 - 1834.

190,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées Tome 1 - Melastomes + Tome 2 - Rhexies. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section II ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 142 textpages + 60 full pages color plates. Tome II: 158 text pages + 60 full page color plates in b/w. FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1816-1823.

275,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées. Tome 2 - Rhexies [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section II ]. ONLY VOLUME 2
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Title on the spine is slightly discolored. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome II: 158 text pages + 60 full page color plates in b/w. [near] FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1823.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées. Tome 1 - Melastomes [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section II ]. ONLY VOLUME 1
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 3,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy has number 60. Text in French. Tome I: 142 textpages + 60 full pages color plates. Uppercorner slightly damaged NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1816

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées. Tome 1 - Melastomes + Tome 2 - Rhexies [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section II ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set has number 65. Text in French. Tome I: 142 textpages + 60 full pages color plates. Tome II: 158 text pages + 60 full page color plates in b/w. FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1816-1823.

350,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées. Tome 1 - Melastomes + Tome 2 - Rhexies [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section II ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set has number 62 and 67. Text in French. Tome I: 142 textpages + 60 full pages color plates. Tome II: 158 text pages + 60 full page color plates in b/w. FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1816-1823.

325,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées. Tome 1 - Melastomes + Tome 2 - Rhexies [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section II ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Title on the spine is slightly discolored. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 142 textpages + 60 full pages color plates. Tome II: 158 text pages + 60 full page color plates in b/w. [near] FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1816-1823.

300,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Monographie des melastomacées. Tome 2 - Rhexies [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section II ]. - ONLY VOLUME 2
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome II: 158 text pages + 60 full page color plates. ONLY VOLUME 2. FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, Librairie - Grecque-Latine-Allemand 1823.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 3 [Troisième] -- ONLY VOLUME 3
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is number 62 Tome III: 355 text pages + 193 - 300 full page page plates in color and b/w. [ near ] FINE COPY   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, La Librairie Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1818.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 3 [Troisième] -- ONLY VOLUME 3.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is number 68. Tome III: 355 text pages + 193 - 300 full page page plates in color and b/w. [ near ] FINE COPY   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, La Librairie Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1818.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 4 [Quatrième] -- ONLY VOLUME 4
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome IV: 247 text pages + 301 - 412 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Chez N. Maze Librairie 1820.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 5 [Cinqième] -- ONLY VOLUME 5
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome V: 338 text pages + 413-512 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the edition: Paris, Chez n. Maze Librairie, 1821.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 5 [Cinqième] -- ONLY VOLUME 5
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome V: 338 text pages + 413-512 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the edition: Paris, Chez n. Maze Librairie, 1821.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 6 [Sixième] -- ONLY VOLUME 6.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome VI: 420 text pages + 513 - 600 full page page plates in color and b/w. Spine is DAMAGED!!  ** Facsimiles of the edition: Paris, Chez n. Maze Librairie, 1823

75,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 6 [Sixième] -- ONLY VOLUME 6.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome VI: 420 text pages + 513 - 600 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the edition: Paris, Chez n. Maze Librairie, 1823

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME I + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7. COMPLETE SET!!
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971 - 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. In the 7 volumes: 700 full page plates in color and b/w. The title label of Volume 1 is different from the other parts. ( See Picture) NEAR FINE SET   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, 1815, 1817, 1818, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1825.

1150,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME I + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7. COMPLETE SET!!
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971 - 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. In the 7 volumes: 700 full page plates in color and b/w. The title label of Volume 4 and 7 are different from the other parts. ( See Picture) NEAR FINE SET   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, 1815, 1817, 1818, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1825.

1150,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME I -- ONLY VOLUME 1
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5,5 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Tome I: XLVI, 302 text pages + 96 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1815.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME II [ Second ] -- ONLY VOLUME 2.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5,5 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome II: 323 text pages + 97 - 192 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1817.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME II [ Second ] -- ONLY VOLUME 2.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome II: 323 text pages + 97 - 192 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1817.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME II [ Second ] -- ONLY VOLUME 2.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is numbered: 8. Tome II: 323 text pages + 97 - 192 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1817.

150,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME II [ Second ] -- ONLY VOLUME 2
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is numbered: 68. Tome II: 323 text pages + 97 - 192 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1817.

150,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 3 [Troisième] -- ONLY VOLUME 3.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome III: 355 text pages + 193 - 300 full page page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, La Librairie Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1818.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME I + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7. COMPLETE SET!!
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971 - 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. In the 7 volumes: 700 full page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1815, 1817, 1818, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1825.

1100,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME 3 [Troisième] -- ONLY VOLUME 3.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972. New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Tome III: 355 text pages + 193 - 300 full page page plates in color and b/w. [ near ] FINE COPY   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, La Librairie Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1818.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Nova genera et species plantarum. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. TOME I + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7. COMPLETE SET !!
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971 - 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. In the 7 volumes: 700 full page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimiles of the editions: Paris, 1815, 1817, 1818, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1825.

1200,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume III + Volume IV. {Two Volumes in One Book} -- LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Two volumes in one book: Volume III: 575 pages and Volume IV: 573 pages. NEW COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees, Orme..] 1826.

80,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume V.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) WITH dustjacket. Volume V: 865 pages. NEW COPY not unpacked yet  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1818 - 1829.

100,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans.Volume I + Volume II. {Two Volumes in One Book}
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Two volumes in one book: Volume I: 293 pages and Volume II: 294 pages. Condition: BRAND NEW,  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1818 - 1829.

100,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume VI + Volume VII. {Two Volumes in One Book}.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Two volumes in one book: Volume VI, 845 pages and Volume VII: 482 pages. NEW COPY in the original shipping box / not unpacked yet.   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees, Orme..] 1826.

100,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume VI + Volume VII. {Two Volumes in One Book} -- LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. The titelabel has slight wear. Marbled boards. Two volumes in one book: Volume VI, 845 pages and Volume VII: 482 pages. NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees, Orme..] 1826.

95,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume VI + Volume VII. {Two Volumes in One Book} --- LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. The titelabel has slight wear. Marbled boards. Two volumes in one book: Volume VI, 845 pages and Volume VII: 482 pages. NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees, Orme..] 1826.

100,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans.Volume I + Volume II. {Two Volumes in One Book}
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Two volumes in one book: Volume I: 293 pages and Volume II: 294 pages. Condition: AS NEW!  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1818 - 1829.

80,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume III + Volume IV. {Two Volumes in One Book} -- LUXE EDITIONI
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. The titelabel has slight wear. Marbled boards. Two volumes in one book: Volume III: 575 pages and Volume IV: 573 pages. AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees, Orme..] 1826.

100,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume V.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Volume V: 865 pages. Condition: AS NEW!  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1818 - 1829.

80,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume III + Volume IV. {Two Volumes in One Book} - LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. The titelabel has slight wear. Marbled boards. Two volumes in one book: Volume III: 575 pages and Volume IV: 573 pages. With slight imperfections   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees, Orme..] 1826.

60,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Volume VI + Volume VII. {Two Volumes in One Book}
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 8,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. No Dusjacket. Two volumes in one book: Volume VI, 845 pages and Volume VII: 482 pages. Condition: AS NEW!  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1826.

90,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Personal Narrative Of Travels To The Equinoctial Regions Of The New Continent. During The Years 1799-1804. With maps and plans. Set of 4 books [new copies] containing: Vol 1-11+ Vol III-IV + Vol V + Vol VI-VII . COMPLETE
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5,5 cm. Hardcovers (clothbound) WITH dustjackets. NEW COPIES [ brand new] in the original sending package.   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1818 - 1829.

340,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Plantes Equinoxiales. Tome II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section 1 ]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. Text in French. Tome II: 191 text pages + 66 - 140 plates in b/w. FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1809.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Plantes Equinoxiales. Tome I + Tome II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section 1 ]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 234 textpages + 65 full pages plates in b/w. Tome II: 191 text pages + 66 - 140 plates in b/w. Backcover of Tome I waterstained + last 8 plates a bit waterstained.   **Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1808 - 1809.

225,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Plantes Equinoxiales. Tome I + Tome II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section 1 ]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 234 textpages + 65 full pages plates in b/w. Tome II: 191 text pages + 66 - 140 plates in b/w. FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1808 - 1809.

350,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Plantes Equinoxiales. Tome I + Tome II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section 1 ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 234 textpages + 65 full pages plates in b/w. Tome II: 191 text pages + 66 - 140 plates in b/w. The leather of one back corner is damaged NEAR FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1808 - 1809.

280,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Plantes Equinoxiales. Tome I + Tome II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section 1 ]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 234 textpages + 65 full pages plates in b/w. Tome II: 191 text pages + 66 - 140 plates in b/w. NEAR FINE SET   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1808 - 1809.

280,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Plantes Equinoxiales. Tome I + Tome II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième partie - Section 1 ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Text in French. Tome I: 234 textpages + 65 full pages plates in b/w. Tome II: 191 text pages + 66 - 140 plates in b/w. FINE SET  ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1808 - 1809.

325,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée. Tome 1 + Tome 2. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Deuxième partie ]. ISBN: 9022111822 - 9022111830
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 36 x 26 x 4 cm. Hardcover ( gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Tome 1: 368 textpages + 30 full pages plates in color and b/w; Tome 2: 352 textpages + 23 full page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811 - 1833.

180,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée. Tome 1 + Tome 2. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Deuxième partie ]. ISBN: 9022111822 - 9022111830
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 36 x 26 x 4 cm. Hardcover ( gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Tome 1: 368 textpages + 30 full pages plates in color and b/w; Tome 2: 352 textpages + 23 full page plates in color and b/w. The spine of Tome 1 is slightly damaged/bumped.   ** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811 - 1833.

150,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée. Tome 1 + Tome 2. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Deuxième partie ]. ISBN: 9022111822 - 9022111830
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 36 x 26 x 4 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Tome 1: 368 textpages + 30 full pages plates in color and b/w; Tome 2: 352 textpages + 23 full page plates in color and b/w. Almost AS NEW   *** Facsimile of the edition Paris, F. Schoell, 1811 - 1833.

200,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Relation Historique du Voyage Aux Regions Equinoxiales Du Nouveau Continent Fait En 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 Et 1804 Par Al. de Humboldt Et A. Bonpland . Tome Premier. - LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies [ this number 39 ]. 643 pages. FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1814.

140,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Relation Historique du Voyage Aux Regions Equinoxiales Du Nouveau Continent Fait En 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 Et 1804 Par Al. de Humboldt Et A. Bonpland . Tome Premier - LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is not numbered. 643 pages. FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1814.

130,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Relation Historique du Voyage Aux Regions Equinoxiales Du Nouveau Continent Fait En 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 Et 1804 Par Al. de Humboldt Et A. Bonpland. Tome Troisième [3].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. 629 pages. near FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1825

120,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Relation Historique du Voyage Aux Regions Equinoxiales Du Nouveau Continent Fait En 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 Et 1804 Par Al. de Humboldt Et A. Bonpland. Tome Troisième [3]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. 629 pages. FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1825

125,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Relation Historique du Voyage Aux Regions Equinoxiales Du Nouveau Continent Fait En 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 Et 1804 Par Al. de Humboldt Et A. Bonpland. Tome Second [2] - LUXE EDITION
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is not numbered. 722 pages. FRONT BOARD IS DAMAGED else a [near] FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1819.

80,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America : with descriptions & views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras! Volume I + Volume II [ in one book ] --- LUXE edition
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5 cm. Hardcover, bound in half leather. LEATHER DAMAGED. Marbled boards, With 20 illustrations in b/w. and color. Volume I: 411 pages; Volume II: 324 pages. NEAR FINE/AS NEW  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme..] 1814.

60,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America : with descriptions & views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras! Volume I + Volume II [ in one book ] -- LUXE edition
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5 cm. Hardcover, bound in half leather. Marbled boards, With 20 illustrations in b/w. and color. Volume I: 411 pages; Volume II: 324 pages. NEW COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme..] 1814.

90,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America : with descriptions & views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras! Volume I + Volume II [ in one book ] - LUXE edition
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5 cm. Hardcover, bound in half leather. Marbled boards, With 20 illustrations in b/w. and color. Volume I: 411 pages; Volume II: 324 pages. NEAR FINE/AS NEW  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme..] 1814.

85,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America : with descriptions & views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras! Volume I + Volume II [ in one book ]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5 cm.Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With 20 illustrations in b/w. and color. Volume I: 411 pages; Volume II: 324 pages. NEW COPY not unpacked yet   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme..] 1814.

85,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America : with descriptions & views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras! Volume I + Volume II [ in one book ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1972 New York. Size: 23 x 16 x 5 cm.Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With 20 illustrations in b/w. and color. Volume I: 411 pages; Volume II: 324 pages. NEAR FINE COPY/AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme..] 1814.

70,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. * ONLY VOLUME I
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 52 x 36 X 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; Slightly stained; NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

90,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. * ONLY VOLUME I
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 52 x 36 X 6 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

90,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. * ONLY VOLUME I
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 52 x 36 X 6 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

110,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I + TOME II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972/1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy has numbers: 62 and 68. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; TOME II : 393 - 666 text pages + 110 - 220 full pages color plates Condition : Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

275,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I + TOME II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy has numbers: 61 and 65. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; TOME II : 393 - 666 text pages + 110 - 220 full pages color plates. Upper corner of Tome I slightly damaged; NEAR FINE SET  ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

250,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I + TOME II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972/1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Hardcover (gilt clothbound). Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; TOME II : 393 - 666 text pages + 110 - 220 full pages color plates Condition : Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

250,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME I + TOME II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1972/1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. TOME I: 392 text pages + 109 full pages color plates ; TOME II : 393 - 666 text pages + 110 - 220 full pages color plates Condition : Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

275,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Revision des Graminées. TOME II. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Sixième Partie - Section III]. ** ONLY VOLUME II
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1973, New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 5 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel. Marbled boards. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copyis not numbered. TOME II : 393 - 666 text pages + 110 - 220 full pages color plates Condition : Almost AS NEW   ** Facsimile of the edition: Paris, Librairie Gide, 1829

120,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Tableau Physique des Andes et Pays Voisins. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Cinquième partie ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel on the front. The titelabel has slight wear. Marbled boards. With one foldedplate in color: 83 x 50 cm. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Condition: Almost AS NEW!  ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1808.

75,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Tableau Physique des Andes et Pays Voisins. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Cinquième partie ].
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Bound in halfleather with red leather titlelabel on the front. The titelabel has slight wear. Marbled boards. With one foldedplate in color: 83 x 50 cm. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. Condition: this book is seriously waterstained !!!  ** Facsimile of the edition Paris 1808.

25,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND.  - Tableau Physique des Andes et Pays Voisins. [ Voyages de Humboldt & Bonpland. Voyages aux Régions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent - Cinquième partie]
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973 New York. Size: 52 x 36 x 1 cm. Hardcover (green gilt clothbound) With one foldedplate in color: 83 x 50 cm. Numbered edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. NEAR FINE COPY   ** Facsimile of the edition London, [Longman, Rees,..] 1808.

65,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & KUNTH, CHARLES-SIGISMOND.  - Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, de´crites et publie´es par Charles-Sigismond Kunth avec FIGURES COLORIÉES
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971, New York, Size: 52 x 36 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover (green gilt clothbound). Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. 223 textpages + 60 full-page plates. FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, Librairie Grecque-Latine Allemande, 1819.

250,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & KUNTH, CHARLES-SIGISMOND.  - Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, de´crites et publie´es par Charles-Sigismond Kunth avec FIGURES COLORIÉES.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971, New York, Size: 52 x 36 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover (green gilt clothbound). Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. 223 textpages + 60 full-page plates. [ near ] FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, Librairie Grecque-Latine Allemande, 1819.

225,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & KUNTH, CHARLES-SIGISMOND.  - Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, de´crites et publie´es par Charles-Sigismond Kunth avec FIGURES COLORIÉES.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971, New York, Size: 52 x 36 x 4,5 cm.Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. 223 textpages + 60 full-page plates. FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, Librairie Grecque-Latine Allemande, 1819.

275,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & KUNTH, CHARLES-SIGISMOND.  - Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, de´crites et publie´es par Charles-Sigismond Kunth avec FIGURES COLORIÉES
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971, New York, Size: 52 x 36 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is NOT numbered. 223 textpages + 60 full-page plates. Bottom edge op the spine is damaged else a [ near ] FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, Librairie Grecque-Latine Allemande, 1819.

225,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & KUNTH, CHARLES-SIGISMOND.  - Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, de´crites et publie´es par Charles-Sigismond Kunth avec FIGURES COLORIÉES.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971, New York, Size: 52 x 36 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover (green gilt clothbound). Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is number 68. 223 textpages + 60 full-page plates. [ near ] FINE COPY  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, Librairie Grecque-Latine Allemande, 1819.

275,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & KUNTH, CHARLES-SIGISMOND.  - Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, de´crites et publie´es par Charles-Sigismond Kunth avec FIGURES COLORIÉES.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1971, New York, Size: 52 x 36 x 4,5 cm. Hardcover (green gilt clothbound). Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This copy is number 66. 223 textpages + 60 full-page plates. Slight traces of use: very good/near fine ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, Librairie Grecque-Latine Allemande, 1819.

225,00 Euro

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & OLTMANNS, JABBO [TABLES].  - Recueil D'observations Astronomiques, D'Opérations Trigonométriques Et De Mesures Barométriques: Faites pendant le cours d'un voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau continent, depuis 1799 jusqu'en 1803. Premier Volume + Deuxième Volume
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6/6,5 cm. Hardcover (green gilt clothbound). Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Premier Volume: 138 + 52 + 382 pages; Deuxième Volume: 629 pages. FINE SET  ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1810

200,00 Euro

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HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON & AIME BONPLAND. & OLTMANNS, JABBO [TABLES].  - Recueil D'observations Astronomiques, D'Opérations Trigonométriques Et De Mesures Barométriques: Faites pendant le cours d'un voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau continent, depuis 1799 jusqu'en 1803. Premier Volume + Deuxième Volume.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum LTD. & Da Capo Press, Amsterdam 1973, New York, Size: 36 x 28 x 6/6,5 cm. Hardcover: Half leather with red gilt titlelabel. Marbled boards. Text in French. Edition of 200 copies. This set is NOT numbered. Premier Volume: 138 + 52 + 382 pages; Deuxième Volume: 629 pages. [ near ] FINE SET ** Facsimile of the Edition, Paris, F. Schoell, 1810

225,00 Euro

HUYGENS, CHRISTIAAN.  - Oeuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens publiées par la Société Hollandaise des Sciences. Tme dix-Huitième 1934 - L' Horloge à Pendule ou à Balancier de 1666 à 1695. Anecdota.
Amsterdam, Swetz & Zeitlinger, 1967. 28 x 22,5 x 15 cm. Paperback/Softcover [neatly plasticized]. Illustrated in b/w throughout. Text in French and Latin. 702 pages. NEAR FINE COPY  

175,00 Euro

ITOH, TEIJI - YUKIO, FUTAGAWA.  - Maisons anciennes au Japon. Alte Häuser in Japan. Photos von Yukio Futagawa.
Fribourg. Office du Livre 1983. Oblong: 31 x 31,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. In the original slipcase [boards]. With many illustrations almost all in b/w. Text in French and German. On the first endpaper with a felt-tip pen the letter K, otherwise condition: NEW  

145,00 Euro

IVES, EDWARD.  - Reize naar Oost-Indië en Persië, en de daar omliggende landen. Ondernomen langs een ongewoonen weg. Deel I + II in één band.
Amsterdam, De Compagnie, 1779. 27 x 21 cm. Twee delen in een band: 324, 308 pag. Hardcover {rug leer; platten karton}. Met 2 grote vouwkaarten, ( circa 44 x 51 cm en circa 41 x 56 cm; resp. "India en de Indische Oceaan" en "Ives 'route vanuit Basra en Latakea".) + 9 gegraveerde platen, (compleet) en bij deel I. één gegraveerde titelpagina; bij deel II ontbrekend. Plaat VI is beschadigd. Sporen van de tijd & gebruik; toch wel een redelijk exemplaar.  

575,00 Euro

JACOBS, P.M.J.E.  - Beeldend Benelux biografisch handboek. Lexicon in 6 delen.
Tilburg, Stichting Studiecentrum voor Beeldende Kunst, 2000. 4to. Kunstleer. Met illustraties. 6 delen: in totaal zo'n 4000 pagina. ALS NIEUW  * Dit inmiddels ook uitverkochte naslagdwerk is misschien nog niet zo bekend maar ongetwijfeld actueler, preciezer en completer dan de meer dan vijftig jaar oude tweedelige Pieter Scheen.

350,00 Euro

JACOBS, P.M.J.E.  - Beeldend Benelux. Biografisch handboek. Lexicon in 6 delen.
Tilburg, Stichting Studiecentrum voor Beeldende Kunst, 2000. 26 x 20 cm. Gebonden in leer. Met illustraties. 6 delen: in totaal zo'n 4000 pagina. - Dit is een set van de speciale editie van 125 exemplaren die uitgevoerd is in leer. Elk exemplaar van deze editie is voorzien van een uniek nummer en is getekend door P.J. van 't Westende, de voorzitter van de Stichting Studiecentrum voor Beeldende Kunst, en P.M.J.E. Jacobs, de samensteller. ALS NIEUW  * Dit inmiddels ook uitverkochte staandaardwerk is misschien nog niet zo bekend maar ongetwijfeld actueler, preciezer en completer dan de ruim veertig jaar oude tweedelige Pieter Scheen.

400,00 Euro

JANSA, VACLAV.  - Stara Praha. 100 akvarellu Vacslava Jansy. [Plates volume]
Bedrich Koci, 1901 / 1902. 46 x 35 cm. Original decorated map with 100 mounted illustrations of Old Prague on carton, and loose sheet with table of contents. This volume only contains the plates. Some wear of the map, otherwise NEAR FINE COPY 

450,00 Euro

JONGE, J.C. DE  - De geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche zeewezen. Zes delen in 10 banden.
's-Gravenhage/Amsterdam, Gebr. Van Cleef, 1833 - 1848. 6 parts in 10 volumes. Half calf. With lithogr. portrait + folded maps/plansplates/facsimiles. With library stamps 

150,00 Euro

JONGE, J.C. DE  - De geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche zeewezen. Zes delen in 10 banden.
's-Gravenhage/Amsterdam, Gebr. Van Cleef, 1833 - 1848. 6 parts in 10 volumes. Half calf. With lithogr. portrait + folded maps/plansplates/facsimiles. De ruggen van vooral het < Zesde deel, eerste stuk > en het < Zesde deel, tweede deel > zijn beschadigd. - REDELIJKE SET

100,00 Euro

JONGE, J.C. DE  - De geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche zeewezen.. [HERDRUK in zes delen]
Franeker, Van Wijnen, 1993. Herdruk/facsimile van de tweede druk : Kruseman, Haarlem, 1858-1862. In verguld kunstleer gebonden. Hardcovers. Met frontispieces, portretten, kaarten en platen. Genummerde oplage van 1000 exemplaren. - Deel 6 is inleiding & register - ZEER UITSTEKENDE SET  

125,00 Euro

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 2005. 25 x 34 cm, In spiraal gebonden softcover. 64 pag. Met tekeningen van Paul Mennes. NIEUW BOEK nog verpakt in uitgeversfolie.  ** Dante's verhaal over de beeldschone Beatrice en zijn eigen afdaling in de onderwereld gaat al eeuwen mee. Het is nu onder handen genomen door tekenaar Eric Joris en schrijver Paul Mennes. De wereld der verdoemden die Dante in de Divina Commedia toont, bestaat vandaag nog steeds. Het is een pretpark van ijdelheden, volgestouwd met fitnessapparatuur, fastfood en illusies. Joris en Mennes laten hun Dante ronddolen in het Mekka van de consumptiemaatschappij: het koopcentrum, het Kaufhaus. Een stad in de stad waar alles waar is zolang je er geld voor kunt neertellen. Samen met zijn gids Vergilius ontmoet Dante bizarre wezens en infernale toestanden. Wie het Kaufhaus binnenstapt moet alle hoop laten varen.

70,00 Euro

JOVER, PASCAL & DEBBY JOVER -ZAGT.  - Gabriel Meiring. Painter of the Soul.
Jover Art Promotions, 2010. 34 x 25 cm. Hardcover. With many illustrations in color. 128 pages. With an original graphic leave [loose], numbered [28 / 120] and signed AS NEW  

150,00 Euro

KAFAK (EDDY GREIDANUS).  - Marlowe's farewell. Stills from a silent movie. Luxe editie.
GTP/Tabula Rasa, 1986. 34,5 x 24,5 cm. Gebonden. Hardcover. Met linosnedes als illustratie. Ongepagineerd. Luxe editie in een oplage van 25 genummerde en gesigneerde exemplaren. Dit is nummer 9. Met de originele gesigneerde los bijgevoegde linosnede. In nieuwstaat.  

90,00 Euro

KAMPEN, N.G. VAN.  - Staat- en aardrijkskundige beschrijving van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, of der XVII Nederlandsche provincien, benevens het Groot-Hertogdom Luxemburg.
Haarlem: F. Bohn, 1827. Tweede, herziene en veel vermeerderde druk, met eene geheel nieuwe kaart. Gebonden [ rug linnen met titellabel] . Hardcover. XVI, 478 pag. Met voor- en achterin een grote vouwkaart [ingkleurd] van het van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. Voorin zit de "de Nieuwe Kaart " - GOED EXEMPLAAR  

120,00 Euro

KAYE, MARTIN.  - Facade, AlphaBets et Cetera. [ luxe edition in box ]
De Buitenkant Amsterdam 1985. 29 x 21 cm. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. VIII, 89 pages. AS NEW  ** This is one of the 20 [!] copies in unsewn signatures on 200 G/SQ.M. MC in a hand-made box.

180,00 Euro

KEMPER, CHARLES MAARTEN [ 1944-1982 ].  - Gesloten vensters.
Zeefdruk. Gesigneerd en gedateerd [1970]. In keurige lijst 70 x 100,5 cm.  

300,00 Euro

KLAASSE, PIET.  - Concours hippographique. Inleiding en biografie Jan. G. Elburg. VAN DEZE UITGAVE ZIJN DE EERSTE 150 EXEMPLAREN GENUMMERD EN GESIGNEERD. DIT IS NUMMER 80.
Van Holkema & Warendorf - Bussum 1975. 33 X 31 cm. In linnen gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. In de originele linnen. cassette. Rijk geïllustreerd in kleur en z/w. 195 pag. UITSTEKEND EXEMPLAAR  

95,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
KLEIN, AART & PAULINE TERREEHORST.  - Aart Klein, fotograaf. Wit water, zwarte sneeuw. White water, black snow. [ With 7 original photographs by Aart Klein ]
Utrecht, Reflex, 1986. Box (35 x 26 x 4 cm) with text-brochure (32 pages; ) by Pauline Terreehorst and 96 photos of loose 48 double plates as issued, . Text in Dutch & English - Almost AS NEW  **** Added; 7 original photos by Aart Kleijn, taken while compiling this book + Oorkonde dat dit boek " Één van de best verzorgde boeken is van 1986"

175,00 Euro

KLEIN, AART & PAULINE TERREEHORST.  - Aart Klein, fotograaf. Wit water, zwarte sneeuw. White water, black snow. [ With 7 original photographs by Aart Klein ]
Utrecht, Reflex, 1986. Box (35 x 26 x 4 cm) with text-brochure (32 pages; ) by Pauline Terreehorst and 96 photos of loose 48 double plates as issued, . Text in Dutch & English - Box with a very small imperfection else Almost AS NEW  **** Added; 7 original photos by Aart Kleijn, taken while several people are compiling this book at the publisher's office

150,00 Euro

KLEMENT, FON & MARION BLOEM.  - Zwartwit in en achter kleuren.
7 gedichten van Marion Bloem en 7 prenten in kleur van Fon Klement [ + de prent op titelblad ] in eigen beheer uitgegeven in 1992. 35 x 28 cm. In de originele linnen cassette. Genummerd en gesigneerd door beide kunstenaars. Dit is nummer 68/90. FRAAI EXEMPLAAR  ** Dit exemplaar heeft voorin een gesigneerde opdracht van Fon Klement en zijn vrouw Louise.

375,00 Euro

KLEMENT, FON.  - 'Guirlande'.
Techniek: Boarddruk in kleur. Getiteld, gedateerd (2000), genummerd (51/125) & gesigneerd met potlood. Afmeting blad: 72 x 60 cm.  

170,00 Euro

KNUST. & PLAATSMAKEN  - Oogentroost.
Uitgeverij Plaatsmaken, Arnhem, 1989.15 x 15,5 cm. Met vele illustraties in kleur. Oplage 500 exx. FRAAI BOEKJE! ** Dageraadbanden nummer 1.

25,00 Euro

KOOLHAAS, REM.  - New York délire. Une manifeste rétroactif pour Manhattan
Paris (Chêne) 1978; 262 pp.; extremely rare French 1st edition (translator Catherine Collet); hardback with dust jacket [ 30 x 24 cm]; near] FINE COPY 

400,00 Euro

Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, in association with Harry N. Abrams, New York (1973). Oblong ( 31,5 x 34,5 cm). Hardcover (halfcloth) in dust jacket. With 226 illustrations including 65 plates in full color. 293 pages. Some traces of use/age. VERY GOOD COPY 

175,00 Euro

TONY KRISTIAN, ATTRIBUTED TO.  - A strange group of people.
Pen & ink, indistinctly signed & dated 64. C. Under passe-partout. 36 x 58 cm.  

150,00 Euro

KÜHNEL, BIANCA.  - Crusader Art Of The Twelfth Century. A Geographical, An Historical, Or An Art Historical Notion?
Berlin, Mann Verlag, 1994. 24,5 x 15 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With illustrations in b/w. 263 pag. AS NEW  

200,00 Euro

LACALAMITA, MICHELE & AMMANNATI, FLORIS LUIGI (D  - Filmlexicon degli autori e delle opere. 7 volumes: Complete.
Rome: Edizioni Di Bianco e Nero, 1958 - 1967. First edition. 8vo. Green cloth with giltlettering. With illustrations in (col. and) b/w. Complete set of seven volumes , clean and tight. With illustrations in col. and b/w. * Text in Italian.  

200,00 Euro

LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE.  - Souvenirs, impressions, pensées et paysages, pendant un voyage en Orient (1832-1833), ou notes d'un voyageur. 4 Volumes.
Louis Hauman, 1835. 4 Volumes. 16 x 12 cm. Bound in half faux leather. 321, 405, 362, 308 pag. plus two fold out maps. Some foxing and name on French title, otherwise very nice set of these rare volumes. 

135,00 Euro

LANGLEY, EDWARD ARCHER.  - Narrative of a Residence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad with Wild Sports in the Valley of the Indus.
London Hurst & Blackett, Publishers. 1860. First edition. 22,5 x 14,5 cm. Hardcovers (original gilt clothbound). Two volumes: 306 and 300 pages; 2 engraved plates. Slight traces of use and the usual foxing. Very good copy  

600,00 Euro

GER LATASTER (1920).  - Zonder titel (abstract).
Ets. Épreuve d'artiste. Gesigneerd. 70 x 49,5 cm. 

200,00 Euro

LÉAUTAUD, PAUL.  - Amours. Aphorismes. With a HANDWRITTEN dedication to Dutch film director Emiel van Moerkerken.
Mercure de France, 1939. 19,5 x 13 cm. Paperback / Softcover. 42 pag. One of 1000 numbered copies on Vergé d'Arches. With handwritten dedication bij Léautaud to Emiel van Moerkerken. Wrappers a bit worn around edges, but otherwise NICE COPY With the Ex Libris of Emiel van Moerkerken. With a tipped-in illustration.

275,00 Euro

LEEUWEN, SIMON VAN.  - Notarius publicus, dat is: de practycke ende oeffeninge der notarissen. Bound with: Woorden-boeck, waer inne allerhande konst- ende bastaert-woorden, tot de pracktijcque des notarischaps en andere rechts-oeffeninge behoorende.
Dordrecht, Abraham Andriesz, printed by Nicolaes de Vries, 1658. 14,5 x 10 cm. Vellum binding. With engraved frontispiece. 108, 154 pag. Two names on first free endleave. Some wear due to usage, but still in very good condition. Rare handbook for the notary. 

1350,00 Euro

LHOTE, ANDRÉ.  - Grand Largue. 6 Bois Graves Originaux.
Anvers/ed. Lumière, Paris/ André Delpeuch. Album [37 x 24,3 cm] en feuilles, sous chemise d'édition de papier brun, étiquette dorée sur le premier plat. Édition originale de cet album illustré de six bois gravés originaux de André Lhote. Un des 225 exemplaires numérotés sur vélin {le numéro 212]. Bon état.  

270,00 Euro

LINDBERGH, PETER.  - Peter Lindbergh: Untitled 116.
Schirmer/Mosel Verlag Gmbh, 2006. Hardcover with dustjacket. Illustrated in b/w throughout. 355 pages. With the booklet: Übersetzungen / Translations / Traductions. Almost AS NEW  

250,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
LOOMES, BRIAN.  - Lantern Clocks & Their Makers.
Mayfield Book, 2008. Hardcover with dust jacket. 28 x 22 cm. With illustrations in color and b/w. 528 pages. - Right bottom corner VERY slightly bumped else a FINE COPY  

150,00 Euro

LÓPEZ-DURÁN, FABIOLA. & VARINI, FELICE - LARS MULLER.  - Felice Varini: Point of View.
Lars Müller Publishers; 1 edition (April 2, 2004). 24 X 16,5 X 3,2 cm. Hardcover. Richly illustrated in color. AS NEW  

250,00 Euro

LOUVET DE COUVRAY, J.-B. (JEAN-BAPTISTE).  - Les Amours du chevalier de Faublas. Troisième édition revue par l'Auteur.
Paris chez l'Auteur an VI de la République. 19,5 x 12 cm. Bound in leather. Hardcovers. In marbled slipcases. 4 volume: I: Frontispiece, XVI, 244pp., with 5 engravings. Volume II: (4), 274pp. with 7 engravings. Volume III: (4), 307pp., with 6 engravings - Volume IV: (4), 330pp., with 8 engravings. Spine + spine titlelabales with wear. Very Acceptable SET` 

325,00 Euro

MAERE, J. & M. WABBES.  - Illustrated Dictionary of 17th Century Flemish Painters. [3 volumes]
Renaissance du Livre, 1994. Hardcovers (clothbound) with dust jacket. In the original slipcase [31,5 x 21,5 x 14,5 cm]. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. 3 volumes: I: 542 pages (text), II-III: 1319 pages. of illustrations in colourand b/w. - Almost AS NEW  

300,00 Euro

Aalders & Knuttel, 1992. 25 x 16 cm. Gebonden. Hardcover. 30 pag. Gedrukt in een oplage van 125 genummerde exemplaren. NIEUW EXEMPLAAR 

16,00 Euro

Huis Clos/Van Abbe Museum/Lecturis , 2013. Second edition. 19 x 13,5 cm. 2 Sofcovers in original box. The softcover "Voor de stem" is in Dutch with poems by Majakovski; the other book is in Russian language [ poems by Majakovski ] and with very nice illustrations in color by El Lissitzky. Condition: NEW  ** Added newspaper page "de Volkskrant 2013".

65,00 Euro

Huis Clos/Van Abbe Museum/Lecturis , 2013. Second edition. 19 x 13,5 cm. 2 Sofcovers in original box. The softcover "Voor de stem" is in Dutch with poems by Majakovski; the other book is in Russian language [ poems by Majakovski ] and with very nice illustrations in color by El Lissitzky. - AS NEW  

45,00 Euro

MARKS, ALFRED A. & POLSTER, EDYTHE  - Surimono. Prints by Elbow.
Washington, Lovejoy Press, 1980. Folio (48,2 X32 cm). Original black/grey/gold-silkbinding ((FINE). Limited to 1050 copies (no. 148). Errata slip laid in, also Page 49 A laid in (originally published without this page). Colour illustrations, biographies of 74 master artists including Hiroshige, Hokusai and Eizan. 494 pag. With the original slipcase (boards) and package. - FINE COPY. * Represents a 30 year collection of surimono - the archetype of ukiyo-e art that combines poetry (kyoka) and block print.

350,00 Euro

MARS.  - Joies d'Enfants.
Paris, Plon, Nourrit & Cie, no date [1890?]. Oblong: 23,5 x 27 cm. Hardcover (clothbound). Illustrated in color [lithographs] throughout. 47 pages. VERY GOOD / NEAR FINE COPY  

100,00 Euro

MARTINET, J.F.  - Katechismus der natuur [ 4 delen + Natuurkundige en ophelderende aanmerkingen, deel 1 en 2 ].
Amsterdam, Wed. Loveringh en Allart. Eerste deel derde druk uit 1978, Tweede, derde en vierde deel: eerste drukken uit 1778, 1778 en 1779. - 22,5 x 13 cm. In vol leer gebonden. Hardcovers. Met meer platen dan vermeld in de inhoudsopgave; sommige platen handgekleurd en uitvouwbaar. Vier delen: XIII, 422 ; 426 ; 387 en 502 pag. + Bijvoegsels en Verbeteringen. Deel 1 op frontcover gevlekt; andere delen uitstekend. Al met al een KEURIGE SET   ** Toegevoegd: J. de VRIES, Natuurkundige en ophelderende aanmerkingen over het EERSTE en TWEEDE DEEL [in één band] van J.F.Martinet's Katechismus der natuur door J.De Vries. In leer gebonden. Amsterdam, Joannes van Selm, 1779 ; XIV, 198 pag.

375,00 Euro

MAUPASSANT, GUY DE.  - Oeuvres comlètes de Guy de Maupassant: Boule de Suif 1908 / Des Vers, 1908 / la Maison Tellier, 1908 / Maidemoiselle Fifi, 1908 / Une Vie, 1908 / Contes de la Bécasse, 1908 / Clair de Lune, 1909 / Au Soleil, 1908 / Les Soeurs Rondoli, 1909 / Miss Harriet, 1908 / Toine, 1908 / Yvette, 1910 / Bel-Ami, 1910 / Contes du Jour et de la Nuit, 1909 / Monsier Parent, 1910 / La Petite Roque, 1909 / Mont-Oriol, 1910 / Pierre et Jean , 1909 / Le Rosier de Madamme Husson , 1909 / Sur l'Eau, 1921 / Fort Come la Mort , 1909 / La Main Gauche, 1910 / La Vie Errante , 1909 / Notre Coeur, 1909 / L'Unité Beauté, 1908 / Theâtre , 1910 / Le PèreMilon, Le Colporteur , 1910 / Les Dimanches d'un Bourgeois de Paris 1910. [ 28 Volumes of the 29 volumes ; missing is Le Horla (1927) ]
Paris : Louis Conard, libraire-éditeur, 1908-1909-1910-1921. Hardcovers, bound in gilt half leather, corners also in leather, boards marbled. 21,5 x 16,5 cm. 28 Volumes of the 29 volumes ; missing is Le Horla (1927) VERY NICE AND ATTRACTIVE SET.  

475,00 Euro

Zwolle, d'Jonge Hond, 2011. 28,5 x 22 cm. Hardcover. Met vele illustraties in z/w. Ontwerp Irma Boom - Op het zwarte schutblad een nauwelijks zichtbare naamvermelding. ZEER UITSTEKEND EXEMPLAAR  

60,00 Euro

MERIAN, MARIA SIBYLLA. & ULLMAN, HELGA [ET AL.]  - Maria Sibylla Merian. Aquarellen uit Leningrad. I. Facsimile II. Commentaren. [TWO VOLUME SET]
Leipzig, Ernst Ullmann/Haarlem, De Haan, 1977. Deel 1: gemarmerde doos met verguld perkamenten rug [46 X 36 cm].met 50 losse kleurenreproducties met tekst in Duits, Engels en Russisch + korte beschrijving ook in het Nederlands van de platen. Oplage 1800 genummerde exemplaren. Deel II [ gebonden met verguld perkamenten rug en gemarmerde platten ]: Commentaar [319 pag.] met ook vouwbladen met in totaal 146 kleine afbeeldingen. UITSTEKENDE SET  

350,00 Euro

Brussels Champaka. 2013. 24,5 x 22,5 cm. In linnen gebonden. Hardcover. Met een fraaie buikband. 173 pag. Text in FRENCH - NEW COPY Still shrink wrapped.  **** Ever Meulen staat in binnen- en buitenland bekend om zijn illustraties voor onder andere Humo en The New Yorker. Hij heeft alle objecten die er bestaan getekend, maar zijn werk komt het meest tot zijn recht als hij zijn grote passie verbeeldt: auto's. In Automotiv wordt elk hoofdstuk ingeleid door een column of een essay, van de hand van o.a. Herman Brusselmans, Will Tura, Lowie Vermeersch en Jidéhem. Automotiv is een smulboek voor elke auto- en tekenliefhebber.

70,00 Euro

OOg & Blik - De Bezige Bij, 2013. 24,5 x 22,5 cm. In linnen gebonden. Hardcover. Met een fraaie buikband. 173 pag. Nederlandstalig. - ALS NIEUW  **** Ever Meulen staat in binnen- en buitenland bekend om zijn illustraties voor onder andere Humo en The New Yorker. Hij heeft alle objecten die er bestaan getekend, maar zijn werk komt het meest tot zijn recht als hij zijn grote passie verbeeldt: auto's. In Automotiv wordt elk hoofdstuk ingeleid door een column of een essay, van de hand van o.a. Herman Brusselmans, Will Tura, Lowie Vermeersch en Jidéhem. Automotiv is een smulboek voor elke auto- en tekenliefhebber.

50,00 Euro

Paris, XXe siècle Numéro spécial hors abonnement, 1972. 32 x 25 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With illustrations in color and b/w. MISSING the lithography by Miró. 130 pages. [near] FINE COPY  

25,00 Euro

MOES, E. W. EN K. SLUYTERMAN. & BEELAAERTS VAN BLOKLAND, W.A. ET AL.  - Nederlandsche Kasteelen en hun historie. 3 delen. Met 270 afbeeldingen van het in- en uitwendige der, en van prenten, teekeningen, portretten, zegels, enz., tusschen den tekst, en 12 buitentekstplaten.
Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1912 - 1915. 30,5 x 23 cm. In verguld linnen gebonden. Hardcovers Drie delen: 310, 280 en 325 pag. De band van het derde deel is deels licht verkleurd; toch zeker een UITSTEKENDE SET  

125,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
JAN MONTYN (1924).  - Triptiek van een landschap.
Ets en aquatint in twee kleuren. Gesigneerd, genummerd (5/15) en gedateerd '73 in potlood. 39,5 x 48,8 cm. Ingelijst achter glas. 

431,00 Euro

MUNARI, BRUNO., QUADRAT-PRINT, STEENDRUKKERIJ DE JONG. & KWADRAAT-BLAD.  - Een onleesbaar Kwadraat Blad; an unreadable quadrat-print; ein unlesbares Quadrat-Blatt; une feuille-cadrat illisible; un libro illeggibile quadrato di Bruno Munari.
Hilversum, Steendrukkerij De Jong, 1964. Book - [ almost as new ; 25 x 25 cm ] with geometric compositions in white, red and grey on different kinds of paper. Original folded wrappers with text in green in 8 languages. Wrappers slight traces of use as usual on the fold edges. -- ARTISTS' BOOK -- VERY RARE ITEM   < "The Quadrat-prints are a series of experiments in printing ranging over the fields of graphic design, the plastic arts, literature, architecture and music.They are edited by Pieter Brattinga and not for sale.">

850,00 Euro

MURPHY, HEN.C.  - Henry Hudson in Holland. An inquiry into the origin and objects of the voyage which led to the discovery of the Hudson river. With bibliographical notes by Hen. C. Murphy. Reprinted, with notes, documents and a bibliography, by Wouter Nijhoff, hon. secretary to the "Linschoten-Vereeniging".
The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1909. 25,5 x17 cm. Blind stamped blue cloth, lettered gilt to spine, gilt vignette to upper board, top edge gilt. XII, 150 pages. -- Covers slightly stained else a FINE COPY   **** This publication can be seen as a pre-Linschoten Vereeniging series publication and is identical in appearance to the editions that appeared at the Linschoten-Vereeniging from 1909 onward.

120,00 Euro

NATIONAL GALLERY SINGAPORE - LOW SZE WEE.  - Between Declarations and Dreams: Art of Southeast Asia since the 19th Century.
NATIONAL GALLERY SINGAPORE, 2015. 30 x 25,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound). With illustrations almost all in color. 290 pages. AS NEW  

200,00 Euro

NECK, JACOB C. VAN & WYBRANT WARWIJCK - KEUNING,J.  - De tweede schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Cornelisz. Van Neck en Wybrant Warwijck 1598-1600. Journalen, documenten e.a. bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. Keuning.
's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1938-1951. 5 Volumes in 9 parts [ including 2 parts with maps.. 4 parts in half cloth [ gilt spine ] ; 5 parts in gilt full cloth. With many b./w. plates, ills, maps & facsimiles. COMPLETE , NICE AND ATTRACTIVE SET.  

210,00 Euro

NEOPHILOLOGUS.  - Neophilologus, An international journal of modern and mediaeval language and literature. Fifty-Fourth Volume [1970] - VOLUME LXXXI -81 -[1997]. IN TOTAL 28 VOLUMES.
Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen, 1970 - 1997. 22 x 14 cm. Hardcovers (clothbound). [Volumes 1994 to 1997 are plasticized]. [NEAR} FINE SET - Total: 28 Volumes * Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature, is an ongoing peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of modern and mediaeval languages and literature, including general linguistics, literary theory and comparative literature.

300,00 Euro

Rizzoli, 2009. Hardcover with dust jacket. 28,8 x 28,8 cm. Illustrated in color throughout. 367 pages. - Almost AS NEW  

240,00 Euro

ONO, YOKO.  - Grapefruit.
Sphere Books Limited London, 1971. 13 x 13 cm. Introduction and two drawings by John Lennon. (Lennon's two introductory sketches do not appear in the Simon & Schuster hardcover and paperback first editions.) Paperback / Softcover. With illustrations in b/w. Unpaginated [288 pages]. Frontcover slightly folded & spine slightly discolored, Very good/near fine copy. ** RARE

280,00 Euro

Klein boekje [privé uitgaven] 13,5 x 10 cm. Vergulde titel. Met 20, 36 en 20 pagina´s gelithografeerde tekst. ** Waarschijnlijk ontbreken 2 [blanco?] pagina's voorafgegaan aan de titelpagina.

50,00 Euro

Contact, 2001. 28,7 x 22 cm. In linnen gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. Met vele foto's in z/w. 191 pag. Gesigneerd door Cees Nooteboom en MET EEN LOSSE ORIGINELE FOTO, nieuw afgedrukt door Hans Bol in 2001. ZEER UITSTEKEND EXEMPLAAR  

135,00 Euro

OSTAIJEN, PAUL VAN.  - De marsj van de hete zomer.
Hilversum, RVU Educatieve Omroep, 1996. 28 x 20,5. In linnen gebonden. Hardcover. Oplage 200 genummerde exemplaren [nr. 60]. In nieuwstaat  ** Deze uitgave is overeenkomstig de vorm van het originele handschrift in dezelfde inktkleuren en hetzelfde formaat.

60,00 Euro

OSTAIJEN, PAUL VAN.  - De marsj van de hete zomer.
Hilversum, RVU Educatieve Omroep, 1996. 28 x 20,5. In linnen gebonden. Hardcover. Oplage 200 genummerde exemplaren [nr. 58]. In nieuwstaat  ** Deze uitgave is overeenkomstig de vorm van het originele handschrift in dezelfde inktkleuren en hetzelfde formaat.

60,00 Euro

OSTEN, GERT VON DER & HORST KELLER [ED.].  - Kunst der sechziger Jahre. Sammlung Ludwig im Wallraf-Richartz Museum Köln 4.verbesserte Auflage. Art of the Sixties 4th revised edition.
Köln 1970; 4th revised, edition of this voluminous publication of sixties art in the collection of Peter Ludwig, the German art collector; works of 92 contemporary artists are reproduced in 209 colour plates in a typically sixties design by Wolf Vostell; with texts in German and English by Gert von der Osten, Peter Ludwig, Horst Keller and Evelyn Weiss, partly printed on foam, artist portraits printed on film and tipped-in plates of art works, all kept together in a plexiglass spine with two steel bolts. AS NEW  

100,00 Euro

PARIVAL, J. DE.  - Les delices de la Hollande. Avec un traité du Gouvernement, et un Abregé de ce qui s’est passé de plus memorable jusques à l’an de grace 1660. Ouvrage reveu, corrigé, changé & fort augmanté par J. de Parival
Leiden, Pierre Didier, 1662. 13 x 8 cm. Hardcover. Parchment. (8), 424 pag. Name on titlepage. First 5 leaves slightly with wormholes, else a NEAR FINE COPY  

250,00 Euro

PARS, ADRIANUS.  - Catti aborigines Batavorum. Dat is: De Katten, de voorouders der Batavieren, ofte de twee Katwijken, aan see en aan den Rijn, met de huisen te Britten en Sand. & ..Gedenkwaardigheden van het dorp en abdije van Rijnsburg; .. nevens een verzameling van Katwyksche, Rynsburgsche, en andere Nederlandsche oudheden door P.van der Schelling.
Leiden, J.A.Langerak & Amsteldam, Gerard de Groot, 1745. 21,5 x 14 cm. In halfleer gebonden. Hardcover. Met 14 gravures [ waaronder uitslaande ] cxvi, 604, [lxxxvii] pag. Redelijk goed exemplaar.  

240,00 Euro

PAYNE, JOHN.  - Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein Ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done Into English From the Recently Discovered Arabic Text by John Payne.
London, printed for subscribers only. 1901. This is the CABOOL EDITION Limited to Five Hundred Copies [ this is No. 434 ]. Hardcover. Gilt spine and corners are in leather; covers marbled boards. With Frontispieces [ under tissue guards]. Top edges gilt. 25 x 15 cm. XXXI, 250 pages. The spine has been somewhat reinforced with bookbinding glue else a NEAR FINE COPY  

45,00 Euro

London, printed for subscribers only. 1901. This is the CABOOL EDITION Limited to Five Hundred Copies [ this is No. 434 ]. Hardcovers. Gilt spine and corners are in leather; covers marbled boards. With 9 Frontispieces and many NICE full page illustrations in b/w [ under tissue guards]. Top edges gilt. 25 x 15 cm. Nine Volumes: About 3000 pages. ** Spines are damaged and some are simply reinforced with bookbinder's glue

600,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
PERRON, E. DU & A.C. WILLINK.  - De behouden prullemand. Snotneus-vaerzen van Duco Perkens. [MET GESIGNEERDE ILLUSTRATIE DOOR A.C. WILLINK]
BZZTôH, 1981. 24,5 x 16 cm. Tweede druk. Gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. 72 pag. Gedrukt in een oplage van 125 genummerde exemplaren. Met los bijgevoegd een afdruk van het frontispice van A.C. Wuillink, door hem gesigneerd in potlood. FRAAI EXEMPLAAR 

65,00 Euro

PETERSON, GILLES; BAKER, STUART [COMPILED].  - Freedom, Rhythm & Sound: Revolutionary Jazz Original Cover Art 1965-83.
Soul Jazz Books, 2017. 31 x 31 cm. Hardcover. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. 179 pages. AS NEW  

80,00 Euro

PETIT, JEAN.  - Niemeyer poète d'architecture.
Bibliothèque des Arts Paris Fidia Edizioni d'Arte Lugano, 1995. 27,5 x 27 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With illustrations in color and b/w. In cardboard box. 423 pages. Text in French. AS NEW  

200,00 Euro

PICASSO PABLO - CROMMELYNCK PIETRO & ALDO.  - Picasso 347 Gravures. [ 2 VOLUME SET in box]
New York: Random House / Maecenas Press, 1970. First edition. Gilt hardcovers (half clothbound). Oblong: 30 x 42,5 cm. In a white and black cloth covered luxe box with decorative gilt stamped titles on the spine and front cover. With 347 plates in b/w. Plus a booklet: Anmerkungen des Verlages { 20 pages } NICE AND ATTRACTIVE SET: AS NEW .  ** 347 Engravings that Picasso Executed at Mougins from March 16th to October 5th, 1968

475,00 Euro

PICASSO, PABLO - MONTREAL. MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS.  - PABLO PICASSO. Meeting in Montreal. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 21 June 10 November 1985. Limited Edition of 300 copies.
311 pages. 119 mainly colour illustrations, including 80 reproductions of paintings with descriptions. 300 copies 'hors commerce' printed of which this is 276. Unbound pages in grey cloth clam-shell box [very slightly damaged; 34 x 26 cm]. With loose colophon sheet signed by Alexander V.J. Gaudieri, Director of the Montreal Museum and a bookplate for the recipient of this copy. NEAR FINE COPY  

175,00 Euro

PLEYTE, W.  - Leiden voor 300 Jaren en Thans. Photolithographische afbeelding van een Platte-grond van 1578 en Chromolithographische afbeelding van het Chaertbouc van Straten binnen desen Stadt Leyden en Chaertbouc van de Stadts Wateren gemeten bij Mr. Salomon Davidssoon van Dulmanhorst en Jan Pieterssoon Dou ....
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1874. Folio. Calf, 114 pages text, 57 coloured maps, 1 large folded map. NEAR FINE COPY & MOOI EXEMPLAAR 

375,00 Euro

PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, CAJUS.  - Caji Plinii Caecilii Secundi Panegyricus, cum notis integris Francisci Jureti, Joannis Livineji, Justi Lipsii, Petri Fabri, Conradi Rittershusii, Jani Gruteri, Christiani Gotlibi Schwarzii, et selectis aliorum, curante Joanne Arntzenio, qui & suas adnotationes adjecit. Accedit Joannis Masson Vita Plinii, editio tertia auctior.
Amsterdam, Janssonio Waesbergios, 1738. 27 x 21 cm. Decorated vellum. With frontispice. XCII, 469, 178 pag. with index. Vellum has some slight traces of wear, otherwise a clean, near fine copy  

250,00 Euro

Exh. cat. Baden - Baden (Edition Cantz) 1990; 319 pp.; beautiful catalogue with a survey of Polke's photo-works; a lot of b/w and colour illustrations. Hardcover with dust jacket [+ extra transparant protective dj.]. 30,5 x 25 cm. [near] FINE COPY  

110,00 Euro

PROST, BERNARD.  - Traicté de la forme et devis comme on faict les Tournois par Olivier de la Marche, Hardouin de la Jaille, Anthoine de la Sale, etc.
Paris, A. Barraud, 1878. 24,8 x 17 cm. Bound in half red morocco with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering on the spine. Illustrated with 16 plates from which 9 are double paged, hand-coloured decorated. Top edge gilt. A limited edition of 260 copies. This is number 217. A beautiful illustrated book. A very nice copy.  

350,00 Euro

RAIMES, GASTON DE.  - Soldats de France. Action héroïques. Généraux de la République.
Alphonse Lemerre, z.j. 27,5 x 19 cm. Hardcover (clothbound). All edges gilt. With illustrations in b/w. 463 pag. Spine slightly discoloured otherwise VERY GOOD COPY 

45,00 Euro

RAMEAU, [JEAN-PHILIPPE] MONSIEUR.  - La Démonstration du principe de l'harmonie servant de base à tout l'art musical théorique & pratique.
Paris, chez Durand-Pissot, 1750. 18,5 x 12 cm. Hardcover. XXIII pp., XLVII pp., 112 pp. + 5 foldings. [2 folding plates with some remarks]. Ex libris on first endpaper.  

750,00 Euro

[Voor een volledige weergave van de beschrijving zie mijn eigen site]. Groningen, Philip Elchers, 1992. 22 x 13,3 cm. In halfleer gebonden. Hardcover. Dit is de CHIQUE editie, genummerd van 1 - 25; dit is nummer 21. De boekband heeft een ingelegde FOSSIELE STEEN. Deze chique editie is opgeborgen in een LUXE CASSETTE. MET EEN MEEGEBONDEN LITHO EN GESIGNEERD DOOR DICHTER EN KUNSTENAAR In absolute nieuwstaat  *** het fossiele pijlinkvisje in de steen op de boekband van de chique editie dateert van 360 miljoen jaar geleden en is afkomstig uit Erfoud [ Marokko] waar het werd uitgehouden en gepolijst.** De uitgave Cyclus bevat een zevental gedichten rondom de dood van Rawies vader. De eerste zes gedichten verschenen eerder in de bundel Onmogelijk geluk . Maar juist de exclusieve toevoeging van het zevende en laatste gedicht ‘Foto’ maakt de reeks gedichten tot een indrukwekkende cyclus.

350,00 Euro

REDOUTÉ, PIERRE-JOSEPH. & THORY, CLAUDE ANTOINE.  - Les Roses. [ A complete FACSIMILE of the first edition Paris, Firmin Didot, 1817-1824 ]. NEW COPIES
Antwerp, De Schutter S.A., 1974-1978. 4 Volumes: Hardcovers/bound in red half morocco [55 x 36 cm]. With 179 colour plates [full page]. This edition is limited to 510 copies. This set has number 316. Text in French with a summary in English of Thory's text. 4 volumes: 156, 122, 125, 386 pages. Condition: NEW !! 

1900,00 Euro

REDOUTÉ, PIERRE-JOSEPH. & THORY, CLAUDE ANTOINE.  - Les Roses. [ A complete FACSIMILE of the first edition: Paris, Firmin Didot, 1817-1824 ]. NEW COPIES
Antwerp, De Schutter S.A., 1974-1978. 4 Volumes: Hardcovers/bound in red half morocco [55 x 36 cm]. With 179 colour plates [full page]. This edition is limited to 510 copies. This set has number 317. Text in French with a summary in English of Thory's text. 4 volumes: 156, 122, 125, 386 pages. The right upper corner of Voume II is very slightly bumped else: condition: NEW !! 

1850,00 Euro

REDOUTÉ, PIERRE-JOSEPH. & THORY, CLAUDE ANTOINE.  - Les Roses. [ A complete FACSIMILE of the first edition: Paris, Firmin Didot, 1817-1824 ]. NEW COPIES
Antwerp, De Schutter S.A., 1974-1978. 4 Volumes: Hardcovers/bound in red half morocco [55 x 36 cm]. With 179 colour plates [full page]. This edition is limited to 510 copies. This set has number 315. Text in French with a summary in English of Thory's text. 4 volumes: 156, 122, 125, 386 pages. Condition: NEW !! 

1925,00 Euro

RIDDER, ANDRé DE.  - Kerstvertellingen uit Vlaanderen. Naverteld door André de Ridder. Geïllustreerd door Jean de Bosschère. VAN DIT BOEK ZIJN 10 GENUMMERDE EXEMPLAREN OP JAPANSCH PAPIER GEDRUKT. DIT EXEMPLAAR IS No. 5
Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, [1919]. Goudgestempelde, rood lerenband. Vergulde kopsnede. 30 x 22,5 cm. Geïllustreerd in kleur en z/w door Jean de Bosschère [ ook plakplaten ]. 204 pag. ZEER FRAAI EXEMPLAAR EN UITERAARD ZELDZAAM 

275,00 Euro

RIEMENS, HENNY [FOTO'S]. & KOSTER, NICO [FOTO'S]  - Originele foto's van o.a. Corneille, Eugéne Brands, Asger Jorn en tijdgenoten. De meeste foto's zijn gemaakt door Henny Riemens maar ook een enkele door Nico koster. Formaat: 40 x 30 cm.
Henny Riemens was circa 18 jaar de "muze" van Corneille en heeft de leden van Cobra in het korte bestaan van de beweging uitvoerig tijdens en na hun arbeid gefotografeerd.  **** DE FOTO'S ZIJN TE BEKIJKEN IN MIJN WINKEL EN EVENTUEEL OOK LOS TE KOOP VOOR 25 EURO PER STUK.

25,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
RIEMENS, HENNY [FOTO'S]., KOSTER, NICO [FOTO'S] & WINGEN, ED.  - Ooggetuige van Cobra. Foto's van Henny Riemens [boek] + een map met originele losse foto's in van Henny Riemens over de kunstenaars e.a. van de Cobra beweging.
MAP bevat 59 originele foto's in z/w [fotopapier formaat 40,5 x 30 cm] + Boek: Amsterdam, Jaski Art Gallery / Venlo, Van Spijk, 1988. 23 x 25 cm. Gebonden. Hardcover. Met foto's in zwart/wit - Een enkele foto is van Nico Koster - KEURIG ITEM ****Henny Riemens was circa 18 jaar de "muze" van Corneille. Henny Riemens was dus daadwerkelijk "Ooggetuige Van Cobra" en heeft de leden in het korte bestaan van de beweging uitvoerig tijdens en na hun arbeid gefotografeerd. Een aantal foto's is ook opgenomen in dit boek. Foto's met ondermeer Corneille, Asger Jorn, Constant, Eugéne Brands, Hugo Claus, Scanavino en Sergio Dangelo. **** DE FOTO'S ZIJN TE BEKIJKEN IN MIJN WINKEL EN EVENTUEEL OOK LOS TE KOOP VOOR 25 EURO PER STUK.

325,00 Euro

RIKKEN, BEN. & TUPAN, HARRY.  - Ben Rikken Licht! Schilderijen en tekeningen. [ LUXE EDITIE - MET ZEEFDRUK ]
Assen, Drents Museum / Zwolle Waanders, december 2003. 25 x 31,5 cm. Gebonden. Hardcover. Rijk geïllustreerd in kleur en z/w. 93 pag. Speciale editie in een oplage 150 genummerde en gesigneerde exemplaren met ook een genummerde en gesigneerde originele zeefdruk. NIEUW EXEMPLAAR Nog verpakt in uitgeversfolie.  Oorspronkelijk prijs bij verschijnen: 135 euro.

40,00 Euro

RIMBAUD, ARTHUR.  - Poésies complètes. Avec préface de Paul Verlaine et notes de l'editeur.
Paris, Léon Vanier, 1895. 18 x 12 cm. Hardcover. Private black binding, back cover very slightly bent. With two illustrations by Paul Verlaine. XXIV, 135 pag. Except for the bent back cover a fresh, near fine copy of this rare first edition of the complete poems by Rimbaud! 

1400,00 Euro

ROBEY, JOHN.  - The Longcase Clock Reference Book - Two Volume Set - [ 2ND EDITION FULLY REVISED & ENLARGED ]
Mayfield Books. 2013. Hardcovers with dust jackets. 28,5 x 22,5 cm. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. Two Volume Set: toal 827 pages. Condition: NEW  

225,00 Euro

ROBLEY, MAJOR-GENERAL.  - Moko; Or Maori Tattooing.
Southern Reprints, 1987. 26 x 19 cm. Hardcover [imitation leather , gilt decorated]XXI, 216 pages. Illustrated in b/w throughout. AS NEW & RARE 

125,00 Euro

ROCHES, M. DES.  - Histoire ancienne des Pays-Bas autrichiens par M. des Roches. Contenant des recherches sur la Belgique avant l'invasion des Romains [premier volume] + la conquête qu'ils ont faite avant J.C. [second volume]
Anvers, J.Grange, 1787. 21,5 x 13 cm. Bound in leather. Hardcover. With an engraved frontispiece and a folded map [52 x 52 cm] of Ancient Belgium. Two volumes: 354 + 323 pages. Text in French. Very good copy  

150,00 Euro

ROEKEL, FLORIAN.  - How Terry Likes His Coffee.
Publisher Florian van Roekel, Amsterdam, 2010. First edition of 500 copies [ this is number 176 ]. Handnumbered with a stamp of the photograper and also signed. Oblong: 30,5 x 30,5 cm. Hardcover. Illustrated in color throughout. Condition: NEW  

200,00 Euro

ROLAND HOLST, A.  - Verzameld Proza [luxe editie: twee delen in heelperkament]
Van Dishoeck / Stols, 1948. Twee delen (deel 3 en 4 van de Verzamelde Werken). In verguld perkament gebonden. 224 en 280 pag. Eén van de 50 genummerde luxe-exemplaren op geschept papier Van Gelderpapier. Deze set heeft als nummer 20. KEURIGE EXEMPLAREN 

175,00 Euro

ROLAND HOLST, A.  - Verzamelde Werken [luxe editie: vier delen in heelperkament].
Van Dishoeck / Stols, 1948. Vier delen. 23 x 15 cm. In verguld perkament gebonden. 264, 232, 224, 280 pag. Eén van 50 genummerde luxe-exemplaren op geschept Van Gelderpapier. De set is niet uniform genummerd. Gedichten I is genummerd 20; de andere delen zijn genummer 6. KEURIGE EXEMPLAREN 

350,00 Euro

RONALD ABRAM (1938 - 1999).  - 'Tulipan'.
Zeventien zeefdrukken, gedrukt op 13 bladen, alle gesigneerd, genummerd IX/XV E.A. & gedateerd '73 in potlood. Paris, Edition Deckaert, 1973. 41,7 x 59 cm. Het geheel met titel - en colofonblad in de originele linnen portfolio. Uit blad 12 een hoek gesneden. 

225,00 Euro

ROSKAM, JAAP TH.  - Sailing the Last East Indiaman. A Photo Essay Showing the forst Sailing of the World's most authentically reconstructed historic ship BATAVIA. Accompanied by HM Bart Endeavour. With reproductions of historic World maps and engravings.
Mount Burrell, In 't Veld Editions, april 2001. Hardcover (clothbound). Spiralbinding: 22 x 28,5 cm. Oblong. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. Numbered copy: 070. With a coin. In the original black slipcase.  

100,00 Euro

ROT, DITER., STEENDRUKKERIJ DE JONG., ROTH, DIETER., QUADRAT-PRINT & KWADRAAT-BLAD.  - Daily Mirrors. Kwantiteit in plaats van kwaliteit / instead of showing quality, we show quantity / Au lieu de montrer de la qualité, nous montrons de la quantité / Statt qualität zu zeigen, zeigen wir Quantität. [Mirror]
Hilversum, De Jong, 1964. 60 loose leaves[ 25 x 25 cm], printed on both sides + the note [ 4pages ] from te editor in Dutch, English, French German. WHITOUT the cardcoard sending-packing. [ near ] FINE COPY  

220,00 Euro

ROT, DITER., STEENDRUKKERIJ DE JONG., ROTH, DIETER., QUADRAT-PRINT & KWADRAAT-BLAD.  - Daily Mirrors. Kwantiteit in plaats van kwaliteit / instead of showing quality, we show quantity / Au lieu de montrer de la qualité, nous montrons de la quantité / Statt qualität zu zeigen, zeigen wir Quantität. [Mirror]
Hilversum, De Jong, 1964. 60 loose leaves[ 25 x 25 cm], printed on both sides + the note [ 4pages ] from te editor in Dutch, English, French German. WHITOUT the cardcoard sending-packing. [ near ] FINE COPY  

250,00 Euro

ROY, JAKOB LE.  - Groot Werreldlyk Tooneel des Hertogdoms van Braband.
Facsimile van de oorspronkelijke uitgave 's-Gravenhage, 1730. Amsterdam, Van Hoeve, 1980. Folio, 46,5 x 29 cm.. Gebonden in geheel leder.Met vele illustraties. Genummerd exemplaar (no. 27). Met het losse vel: Ter inleiding. Minimale krasje op het leder KEURIG EXEMPLAAR.  

250,00 Euro

RÜDIGER, CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH.  - Handbuch der rechnenden Astronomie. ERSTER BAND: Praktische Anweisung zur Berechnung und Verzeichung der Sonnen - und Mondfinsternisse vornehmlich in Rücksicht auf die des Jahres 1797. Mit zehn Kupfern. + ZWEYTER Band [2]: Praktische Anweisung zur Berechnung ebener und sphärischer Dreiecke : durch Aufgaben aus der Astronomie erläutert ; mit zwey Kupfern. + DRITTER Band [3]: Praktische Anweisung zur Berechnung der mit hadleyischen Spiegel-Sextanten angestellten Beobachtungen am Himmel : mit einem Kupfer. + SUPPLEMENT [1804]. Astronomische Anzeige und Beschreibung der grossen Sonnenfinsternis ... Mondfinsternis für den Meridian von Leipzig. Mit vier Kupfern.
**** Leipzig, Joachim, 1802, [1804]. 21 x 12,7 cm. Volume I and Volume II bound together [hardcover] : 188, with 19 folding plates+ 220 pages with 2 folding plates. Volume III and Supplement bound together [hardcover]: 239 pages; one folding plates + 52 pages with 4 folding plates.  *** Spine of book 2 { Band 3 + Supplement ] is a bit damaged, but still a very nice set of this RARE item.

450,00 Euro

RUITERS, DIERICK & SAMUEL BRUN & S.P. L'HONORé NAB  - Toortse der Zee-Vaert door Dierick Ruiters (1623). Samuel Brun's Schiffarten (1624). Uitgegeven door S.P.L. Honoré. Met een kaart.
's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1913. In goudgestempelde blauw linnen band gebonden. Toortse der Zee-Vaert LI, 94 pag. & Samuel Brun's Schiffarten X, 112 pag. + vouwkaart: "Westkust Afrika". Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, deel VI. MOOI EXEMPLAAR  

95,00 Euro

RUTHNER, ANTON VON.  - Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich in malerischen Originalansichten seiner reizendsten Landschaften und großartigsten Naturschönheiten, seiner bedeutendsten Städte und ausgezeichneten Bauwerke in Stahlstichen. Mit beschreibendem Text seiner Geschichte, seines Culturlebens und seiner Topographie. II. Band 1. Abteilung.
Wien, Perles / Lange, [circa 1870 - 1880]. 33 x 26 cm. Dunkelrotes original Leinen mit Gold- und Schwarzprägung auf Rücken und Deckel. 608 Seiten. Mit Frontisp. + 39 Stahlstichtafeln. GUTER ZUSTAND  

275,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
EL SAADAWI (IRAK)  - Zonder titel
Kleurenets (carburundum = koolstof gemengd met inkt). Papierformaat: 100 x 76 cm. Preuve Artiste. Gesigneerd & gedateerd ('92). - FRAAI. 

150,00 Euro

[SAINT-FOIX, GERMAIN-FRANÇOIS POULLAIN DE (1698-1776). AUTEUR DU TEXTE]  - Lettres d'une Turque à Paris, écrites à sa soeur au serrail
Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, 1730. Harcover/leatherbound. 14,5 x 8,5 cm. Just normal traces of use and age. 5 pag.; Catalogue chez Pierre Mortier; 332 pages.  

300,00 Euro

SALZANO, EDORDO.  - An Atlas of Venice: The Form of the City on a 1:1000 Scale Photomap and Line Map.
Comune di Venezia, Architecture Design and Technology, 1990. Third edition. 29 x 29,5 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. In original slipcase. 44 pages + 186 [double paged] plates in colour. AS NEW  

300,00 Euro

SAN LAZZARO, G. DI., XXE SIèCLE. & CHAGALL, MARC.  - XXe Siècle - Nouvelle Serie - XXXIIIe Année - No. 26 - Mai 1966.Quatre Themes: Chagall, Portes D'Africque, La Ville, 1907-1917
Paris, 1966. 32 x 25 cm. Hardcover (frontcover by Marc Chagall). Richly illustrated in color and b/w. With a double page original lithograph by Chagall and an original lithograph by Viera da silva. Text in French. Unpaginated. NEAR FINE COPY  

170,00 Euro

SANDBERG, W.  - Handwritten letter to G. v.d. Laan.
Handwritten and signed ('uw sandberg') letter, dated Amsterdam, 17.1.78. Two sheets of his own stationary, 22 x 22 cm. total of 37 lines, written in blue ink. Interesting letter (in Dutch) about a certain 'Elmar', Sandbergs travels, health and living alone without his wife (who died several years earlier).  

250,00 Euro

SATIJN, NIEK.  - Twaalf etsen 1991 Niek Satijn.
In de originele doos [31,5 x 31,5 cm]. Gedrukt op Hahnemuhle karton in een oplage v1n 21 exemplaren 3 eupreuve d'artiste. Iedere ets + de colofon is genummerd 3/21 en gesigneerd door de kunstenaar. KEURIGE SET  

250,00 Euro

Yokyo, TOTO Shuppan, First published in Japan. 1997. 30,5 x 31 cm. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With illustrations almost all in color. 261 pages. Text in English and Japanese. AS NEW  ** This massive book on architect Italian Carlo Scarpa covers the Brion Family Cemetery located near Venice. One of Scarpa’s largest projects, this also happens to be the place where he was buried. This overview includes also ten other Scarpa creations in Italy such as the Canova Museum and various Biennale pavilions. Hundreds of colour photos of interiors and exteriors, surface details, and surroundings.

325,00 Euro

Curt R. Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, 1974/75. [Reprintausgae:] Unveränd. Nachdruck des Öster. Ung.- und Architekten-Verein 1905. Halbleinen Mappe [49 x 35 cm] mit 76 lose Blätter, 1 farbige Karte.  ** ATLAS band!

300,00 Euro

SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - L.A.J. BURGERSDIJK. & DULAC, EDMUND.  - De storm. Vertaald door dr. L.A.J. Burgersdijk. Met platen naar aquarellen van Edmund Dulac. [DUTCH edition]
Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, [circa 1909]. 98 pages. . With 39 tipped-in plates in color by Dulac + one plate on front cover. Hardcover [ bound in decorated leather/suede; slight wear ]. Limited edition of 350 numbered copies (this is not numbered). Most pages are a bit foxed as usual, but still a NICE AND ATTRACTIVE COPY!  

160,00 Euro

SM 1924:, VOS, TH. A. & WIJNGAERDT, PIET VAN.  - Tentoonstelling Th.A. Vos en Piet van Wijngaerdt Sted. [ Stedelijk ] Museum, Amsterdam, 5 januari - 31 januari 1924.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 194. 18 x 14 cm. Oorspronkelijke omslag. Softcover. Cahiersteek. Met ingeplakte plaatjes in z/w. 32 pag. - GOED EXEMPLAAR  

35,00 Euro

SM 1925:, WIJNGAERDT, PIET VAN. & JORDENS, BAREND.  - Tentoonstelling Piet van Wijngaerdt, Barend Jordens.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1925. 19,5 x 14,3 cm. Geniet in omslag. Met illustraties in z/w. [20 pag.]. - GOED EXEMPLAAR  

35,00 Euro

SMITHERS, LEONARD C. (ED.)  - The Thousand and One Quarters of an Hour (Tartarian Tales)
London, printed for subscribers only. 1901. This is the CABOOL EDITION Limited to Five Hundred Copies [ this is No. 434 ]. Hardcover. Gilt spine and corners are in leather; covers marbled boards. Top edges gilt. 25 x 15 cm. VII, 297 pages. The spine is damaged; binding frontcover weak.  

40,00 Euro

Meulenhoff, 1996. LUXE EDITIE in een oplage van 30 genummerde exemplaren. Gebonden in roodlinnen band in schuifcassette. 64 pag. Met gesigneerde ets van Herman Gordijn als frontispice. Dit is nummer 4. IN ABSOLUTE NIEUWSTAAT 

175,00 Euro

SOTHEBY'S - TIME MUSEUM.  - Masterpieces from the Time Museum: Part Four Volume I + Part Four Volume II [ Chronometers and scientific instruments ] + Part Four, Volume III [ Clocks, Watches and Horlogical Curiosities ] - COMPLETE
New York, Sotheby's., 2004. Paperbacks / Softcovers. 29,5 x 23 cm. Illustrated in color throughout. 3 Volumes, complete: 208, 324 248 pages. - [Almost] AS NEW  

120,00 Euro

KEES SPERMON (1941).  - 'Omgevallen stoel I'.
Ets & aquatint. Gesigneerd, betiteld, genummerd (13/20) & gedateerd 1968 in potlood. 69 x 97 cm. - Geplakt op karton. 

150,00 Euro

STOLK, SWIP.  - Swip Stolk. Samenstelling-ontwerp-illustraties: Swip Stolk. Foto`s: John Koopman - Johan Timmer - Swip Stolk. Litho`s-cliche`s: De Boer en Vink, Grafische Industrie BV. Druk: Drukkerij A. Knijnenberg BV - Drukkerij W. Kaayk.
Amsterdam. Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 1973. 34 x 22 cm. Envelope : 12 sheets. Some traces of use. - RARE *** Van dit item ontbreekt de oorspronkelijke "kalender-omslag 1973".

50,00 Euro

STUERS, VICTOR DE & CUYPERS, P.J.H.  - Musée National à Amsterdam. Publié sous la direction de l'architecte des Musées Nationaux le dr. P.J.H. Cuypers. [ FRENCH EDITION ]
Amsterdam (Van Holkema & Warendorf) n.d. [1897] Voluminous decorated cloth portfolio [ 52 x 35 cm ]. Containing 12 folders with 60 plates [including 12 chromolithographs of wall decorations of the interior] + 49 pages text in FRENCH by De Stuers on the building, it's decoration scheme and the listing of the plates. NICE AND ATTRACTIVE & COMPLETE ITEM.  

180,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
SWERTZ, ANDRÉ.  - 265.252.859.812.191.058.636.308.480.000.000 wandelingen door Nederland. [Serie : Aldopress/1]
Uitgever, Aldopress/André Swertz, Utrecht, [1973]. Doos [17 x 23 cm] met 30 ponskaarten, een ponsrolletje en een blad in FOTOKOPIE met toelichting: 30 wandelingen door Nederland. KEURIG EXEMPLAAR. Oplage 36 genummerde aan de zijkant van de doos exemplaren [ dit is 26/36 ] - Doosje is licht smoezelig - inhoud is uitstekend 

150,00 Euro

TANNER, JOHANN JAKOB.  - Rheinalbum. Andenken an den Rhein.
Mainz, Victor von Zabern, [ca. 1850]. Original hardcover (worn, spine and corners slightly damaged), 26,5 x 22 cm. Contains 24 very attractive aquatints by Tanner of a.o. Mainz, Biebrich, Bacharach, Oberwesel, Welmich, Andernach and Köln, all very suitable for framing. Some aquatints have small stains in margins, but overall the aquatints are in fine condition.  

800,00 Euro

TASMAN, RON.  - Gouda pottery book Plateel makers in Holland Volume I Gouda and the birth of Dutch Art Nouveau Volume II The second wave of Dutch Art potteries and Gouda, the clay pipe town Volume III Gouda, Art Deco, New Realism, World Depression and Post War ceramics.
Christchurch, Optima Publishers, 2007. Hardcovers. Richly illustrated in color and b/w. 3 volumes. Together 1262 pages. No slipcase. [Near] Fine Set  

160,00 Euro

THIJS, MARIE CÉCILE.  - Marie Cecile Thijs Characters.
Lecturis, 2013. 32 x 24 cm. Paperback with french flaps. Softcover. With 85 photographs [characters] in color and b/w. AS NEW  

100,00 Euro

TIL, SALOMON VAN.  - Digt- sang- en speel-konst, soo der ouden, als bysonder der Hebreen ...... dienende, om, by wege van een voorlooper, den leser tot een beter verstand der Goddelijke Psalmen, en netter begrip van haar ware gebruyk onder beyde de Testamenten op te leyden
Dordrecht, Dirk Goris 1692. 21 x 17 cm. Perkament. Hardcover. [28], 533, 15 pag. Met diverse [tekst] gravures waaronder één vouwplaat [A. Houbraken} ** Op de achterkant van het voorplat een ex libris en op de titelpagina een klein naamstempeltje. Tien pagina's zijn licht watervlekkig.

200,00 Euro

TIMMERMANS, FELIX.  - De zeer schoone uren van Juffrouw Symforosa begijntjen. [GESIGNEERD]
Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen & Zoon, z.j. 27 X 20 cm. In groen, verguld linnen gebonden. Hardcover. Oplage: 210 exemplaren: X exemplaren op Keizerlijk Japansch en 200 op Pannekoek (dit is nr. 171). Met 9 paginagrote illustraties in kleur door Jules Fonteyne. 62 pagina. Gesigneerd door Felix Timmermans op kolofonpagina. De linnen band is deels wat verkleurd voor het overige een UITSTEKEND EXEMPLAAR  

250,00 Euro

TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, HENRI DE.  - ELLES. With a specially written introduction by Michel Melot Conservateur au Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliotheque Nationale.
London, The Toulouse-Lautrec Circle, 1969. Buckram back with illustrated boards (front board very slightly scratched on right lower corner). 41 pages. With 11 mounted colour facsimiles of the original lithographs (one very slighty folded on corner). 56 x 43 cm. Very nice book production.  

500,00 Euro

UTAGAWA TOYOKUNI (1769 - 1825).  - Woman in a kimono at the seashore.
Col. woodcut, signed in the block. C. 32 x 25 cm. - Soiled; edges frayed. 

150,00 Euro

Collection Rolf Heyne, 2008. 37 x 29 cm. Hardcover. Illustrated in color throughout. In the original slipcase. AS NEW  

77,00 Euro

TURRELL, JAMES - CRAIG ADCOCK.  - James Turrell The Art of Space and Light.
California, Berkeley Los Angeles Oxford, 1990Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. With illustrations in color and b/w. 272 PAGES. FINE COPY  

190,00 Euro

ULRICHS, TIMM  - Möchten Sie einen berühmten Künstler zum Freund? Diese Urkunde bestátigt die Freundschaft ders berühmten Totalkünstlers Tim Ulrichs mit ......
See Picture.  

25,00 Euro

UNGER, GERARD.  - By Air, Daily Swift.
Map [47 x 33 cm] die in 1987 door Gerard Unger is uitgegeven ter ere van zijn lettertype Swift in een genummerde oplage van 100, waarin 1. Krantenpagina Daily Swift, vormgegeven door Gerard Unger; 2. Prent van Frans oosterhof; 3. Gedicht van Guido Gezelle: Gierzwaluwen uit 1897; 4. Prent in zeefdruk van Gerard Unger; 5. Letterproef van de Swift.  ** Dit betreft map nummer 50 in nieuwstaat! Zie foto van Colofon.

150,00 Euro

VAILLANT, FRANÇOIS LE.  - Voyage de F. Le Vaillant dans l’intérieur de l’Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance. édition originale.
Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée par l'Auteur. Ornée de vingt figures en taille douce, dont huit n'avoient pas encore paru. Paris, Chez Déterville. No date [ 1796?]. Bound in decorated leather. 27 x 20 cm. With 20 plates [ 7 double page ]. 455 pages. Very good copy  

300,00 Euro

VALENTYN, FRANçOIS. & [ VALENTIJN ]  - Beschryving van Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyt in die Gewesten ....SET is ALS NIEUW
Herduk / reprint Franeker, Van Wijnen, 2002-2004, van de editie: Te Dordrecht, by Joannes van Braam / Te Amsterdam, Gerard onder de Linden, 1724-1726. 5 Delen in 8 banden. Klein folio: 34,5 x 22 cm. Dit is de in rood kunstleer gebonden editie; oplage 750 exemplaren (Romeins genummerd: nummer 35). Totaal 5144 pagina's. FRAAIE SET & ALS NIEUW.  Toegevoegd het commentaaldeel: R.R.F.Habiboe. Tot verheffing van mijne natie. Het leven en werk van François Valentijn (1666-1727). Franeker, 2004. 160 pag. Ills (z./w.). Gebonden.

350,00 Euro

VALENTYN, FRANçOIS. & [ VALENTIJN ]  - Beschryving van Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyt in die Gewesten ...... LUXE EDITIE GEBONDEN IN GEITENLEER Toegevoegd: "Tot verheffing van mijne natie".
Herduk / reprint Franeker, Van Wijnen, 2002-2004, van de editie: Te Dordrecht, by Joannes van Braam / Te Amsterdam, Gerard onder de Linden, 1724-1726. 5 Delen in 8 banden. Klein folio: 34,5 x 22 cm. Dit is een set van de luxe editie gebonden in geitenleer en Romeins genummerd; deze set heeft nummer LII. Totaal 5144 pagina's. Het geheel is in UITSTEKENDE STAAT Toegevoegd het commentaaldeel: R.R.F.Habiboe. Tot verheffing van mijne natie. Het leven en werk van François Valentijn (1666-1727). Franeker, 2004. 160 pag. Ills (z./w.). Gebonden. Deze set is bij de uitgever nog leverbaar voor een nieuwprijs van 3400 euro.

575,00 Euro

VERSCHUERE REIJNVAEN, J.  - Catechismus der Muzyk.
Te Amsterdam en Rotterdam, by J. de Jong en L.J. Burgvliet, 1787. 22 x 13 cm. In halfleer gebonden. Hardcover. De titelpagina en de opdracht "aan myne teeder geliefde kinderen" [2 pag.] ontbreken. Deze 3 pagina's zijn wel los aanwezig als fotokopie. Met 38 Plaeten [met notenschrift].  

225,00 Euro

VERSTEEG, AAD H.  - Suriname voor Columbus / Suriname before Columbus. Libri Musei Surinamensis 1.
Stichting Surinaams Museum, Paramaribo, 2003. Hardcover with dust jacket. 30,5 x 21,5 cm. With illustrations almost all in color. 269 pages. Text in Dutch and English. - Name on first endpaper else AS NEW *** RARE 

125,00 Euro

Terug naar begin / Back to top
Amsterdam/Gent, Ludion, 2004. 33 X 25 CM. Gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. Rijk geïllustreerd in kleur. 229 pag. Deze uitgave betreft de LUXE uitgave in de originele doos, gesigneerd door M.V. met ook een KLEURENLITHO [genummerd: 3/50]. NIEUW  ** Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van tien jaar Mart Visser, haute couture en de overzichtstentoonstelling in het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag van 11 oktober 2003 t/m 8 maart 2004.

140,00 Euro

Amsterdam/Gent, Ludion, 2004. 33 X 25 CM. Gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. Rijk geïllustreerd in kleur. 229 pag. Deze uitgave betreft de LUXE uitgave in de originele doos, gesigneerd door M.V. met ook een KLEURENLITHO [genummerd: 4/50]. NIEUW  ** Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van tien jaar Mart Visser, haute couture en de overzichtstentoonstelling in het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag van 11 oktober 2003 t/m 8 maart 2004.

140,00 Euro

VIVIE, JOH: DU [BOEKVERKOOPER].  - De Nieuwe en naauwkeurige Neederlandse hovenier, Onderwijsende hoe hier te Lande, onder dit Climaat een Tuin, met sijn Parken, Paaden, Glintingen en Heiningen wel sal aangeleid, en de Boomen aan deese moeten geplant, gesnoeid, aangebonden en onderhouden werden en op wat wijse met onvrugtbaare boomen, 't sy karrel- of steen-vrugten vrugtbaar maaken, en nu wel draagsaam, alsoo bewaaren kan. Ook de regte en seekere manier, om haar siektens en ongemakken, waar door se anders in ;t geheel of ten deelen ligt vervallen, ja sterven, voor te koomen en te geneesen; alsmede een beschrijving van alle soort van rijpen en ongedierten die de vrugten der bloemen bederven: alles door de reeden ende ondervindingen van meer als vijftig jaaren herwaarts bevestigt.
Leiden, Joh. du Vivie, 1713. Eerste druk/first edition. 21 x 16 cm. Hardcover; perkament/parchment [a bit soiled]. Frontispiece [ door/by F.Bleiswyk]. Titlepage. Opdragt [4pp]; Voor-reeden [2pp]; 286 pp. [Generaal] Register [10pp]. Contains 12 engravings. So [probably] missing 2 plates. Nice & attactive copy *** RARE  

450,00 Euro

VONDEL, JOOST VAN DEN.  - Bundeling uit zeventiende eeuw van vijf treurspelen van Vondel.
Abraham de Wees, 1644-1660. Bruin lederen contemporaine band (slijtage op rug en hoeken) waarin gebundeld: Joseph in Dothan (Wees, 1644), Joseph in Egypten (Wees, 1644), Sofompaneas of Josef in 't Hof (Wees, 1655), Elektra (Wees, 1658) en Edipus (Wees, 1660). Op eerste schutblad is met in contemporaine hand de inhoudsopgave geschreven. Leren band heeft slijtageplekken en kleine delen van de rug ontbreken, sommige pagina's licht vlekkig of miniem beschadigd, maar voor een zeventiende-eeuwse uitgave zeer acceptabel.  

550,00 Euro

VONK, L.C.  - Geschiedenis der landing van het engelsch-russisch leger in Noord-Holland, alsmede der krijgsbedrijven en politieke gebeurtenissen zoo aldaar als in Vriesland en Gelderland in den jare 1799 uit echte stukken en bescheiden door L. C. Vonk. Eerste deel + Tweede deel.
Haarlem, François Bohn, 1801. In halfleer gebonden. Hardcover. 22 x 13,5 cm. met 4 vouwkaarten En een grote handgekleurde vouwkaart {Kaart van Noord-Holland]. Twee delen in éen band : 280 en 174 pag. + inhoud der bijlagen en nabericht.  *** Rug aan de bovenrand licht ongaad; enige gebruikelijke "browning" - GOED EXEMPLAAR

250,00 Euro

WARHOL, ANDY - PAUL MARECHAL.  - Andy Warhol. The Record Covers 1949-1987 (Catalogue Raisonné).
? The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Prestel Publishing, 2008. 31 x 31 cm. Hardcover. Illustrated in color and b/w throughout. 237 pages.  

145,00 Euro

WASSEIGE, CORALIE DE & EGIDIO COSTATINI.  - Van Picasso tot Fontana. Glazen sculpturen door de grootste kunstenaars van de XXste eeuw. Egidio Costatini: Il Maestro del Maestri
Espace Medicis, Brussel / Espace Kiron, Parijs, 1990. 34 x 25 cm. In linnen gebonden met stofomslag. Hardcover. In de originele cassette. Met vele illustraties in kleur en z/w. 256 pag. ALS NIEUW  

90,00 Euro

WEBER, KLAUS (HRSG.) & BAUHAUS - ARCHIV.  - Keramik und Bauhaus. [ Geschichte und Wirkungen der keramischen Werkstatt des Bauhauses ].
Katalog Ausstellung im Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin (West), 12. April - 28. Mai 1989 ; Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen, 11. Juni - 23. Juli 1989; Hetjens-Museum, Düsseldorf, 6. August - 24. September 1989. Berlin, Verlag Kupfergraben. 29 x 21,5 cm. Gebunden. Hardcover. Mit Abbildungen in Farbe und sw. 286 Seiten. Rücken leicht verblasst. GUTER ZUSTAND  

100,00 Euro

WENCKEBACH, L.W.R.  - Wenckebach's Amsterdam. 104 facsimile's van pentekeningen. Ingeleid door Ir.H.A.J.M. Weller. Toelichtingen bij de prenten bijeengezocht door Drs H. Rowaan.
Hoofddorp, Septuaginta, 1974. Tweede druk. Linnen doos [43 x 31,5 cm], met 104 platen en begeleidend tekstboek. Genummerde oplage van 400 exemplaren, genummerd van 301-700. Tekstboek en alle losse prenten zijn met de handgenummerd: 343. - Bijzonder en fraai, in nieuwstaat  *** Toegevoegd extraatje: Oud-Amsterdam, 100 stadsgezichten door L.W.R. Wenckebach [herdruk]

80,00 Euro

WINTYERSHOVEN, J.B. VAN.  - Handboek voor liefhebbers van vreemde plantzoenen en tuiniers, of Aanleiding tot de kennisse van alle in- en uitlandsche boomen en heesters.
Utrecht, G. T. van Paddenburg en Zoon, 1795. 22 x 13 cm. Oorspronkelijke omslag [karton]. VIII, 580 pag. GOED EXEMPLAAR ** ZELDZAAM  

225,00 Euro

Intaglio (handingekleurde ets). Papierformaat : 51 x 96 cm. Gesigneerd, betiteld, genummerd ( 16/20 ) & gedateerd (1990).  

150,00 Euro

ZHU HUO. & SHI HUO ZHU.  - Gu Quan Xin Dian (Ku Chúan Hsin Tien) [New Illustrated plates of Chinese Ancient Coins]. 2 Volumes.
Xian, Shaanxi, Sanqin Publishing House, 1991. Hardcover (clothbound) with dustjacket. Hardcover. 27 x 9 With illustrations in b/w. Text in Chinese. (Volume 1, 623 pag.) (Volume 2, 405 pages.) Near Fine Set  ** An important in-depth survey the modern insights into China's coinage from the knife and spade coinage of the Zhou Dynasty to the cash of the Qing Dynasty. Also covers shell money, sycee, moulds, amulets, burial coins, and to a limited extent struck coins and early paper money. The real value is a wealth of information on archaeological finds. In the back there is a detailed glossary of terms; a survey of early numismatic works; a numismatic chronology; and an index

200,00 Euro

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